July 9/84
Ordered that a contract be entered into with O C SHorey on his bid
for removing bodies from the old cemetary as asson after the
ordinance heretofore passed condemning the said cemetary
shall take effect & as consent of all owners of lots therein
can be abtained
And now the surveyor submits the profile of certain proposed
changes in the grade elevations on Commercial and Mill Streets;
Whereupon after due examination said profile is approved and
the Attorney is hereby instructed to submit an ordinance providing
for such changes and another Ordinance providing for the
grading and planking of certain portions of said Commercial
& Mill Streets.
And now the Surveyor submits the specification for a
sewer in Madison Street; thereupon after due examination the
same are approved
And now the surveyor submits the plans & Specifications
for the purposes grading of Fifth Street Between Battery and
Vine Street; after due examination the same are approved
And now the chief of the Fire Department submits the
plans & specifications for Fire plugs; thereupon the same are
And now the Council proceeds to open & Consider the bids for
furnishing of said fire pugs; which bids are as follows,
to wit:
Seattle Iron Works per plug $34.
Washtn Iron Works per plug $80.
Ordered that the contract be awarded to the Seattle Iron Works
on their said bid
Ordered that the Surveyor be & is hereby instructed to plat the
new Cemetary so far as cleared.
Ordered that the Council Stand now adjourned
Attest: E S Osborne clerk
Approved H G Struve mayor
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