514 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 1/84 Be it remembered that onthis the 1st day of August, 1884 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are prEsent to wit: His Honor the Acting Mayor Councilman U M Rasin and councilmen Chas McDonald, B L Northrup, Otto Ranke & F W Wusthoff. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd From Washton Fire Co #2 for use of room in City Hall for sleeping purposes Granted. From S F Coombs for appontment as Special Policeman Granted Communications Rec'd From Chief of Fire Dept protesting against the granting to Gordon Hardware Co permission to store powder. Reports Rec'd from Street Comissioner. Referred to Street Comtee From Chief of Police Ordered filed From City Justice Ordered Filed From Treasurer Referred to Financial Comtee From Atty Ordered filed From Harbor Master Ordered filed Committees Reports From Judiciary Comtee rejecting the petition of J W Hunt et al to repeal the Ordinance prohibiting the wearing bells by Cows adopted From Special Comtee submitting the following resolution Resolved: That this council extend to Mr Struve our thanks for the able impartial and courteous manner in which he has performed the duties of presiding Officer of this body. By his ability as am executive officer he has heightened our labors more than one half. His Clearness of perception has enabled him to decide vexed questions without delay. He has never rendered a decision upon a disputed question with partiality. his courtesy has been uniform to all of us and we trust that our personal relations in the future may be as pleasant and our official ones have been during his
515 THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug1/84 past year. Adopted unanimously Licenses Ordered Issued Ordered that licenses be issued as following to wit; Bersch & Hink for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Aug 1 Aug Wolff for grocery for 3 months from Aug 13 John Feigh for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Aug 8 Claus & Harnes for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Aug 1 Fred Voigt for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Aug 1 Louis Sylvania for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Aug 7 Wm Grose for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Aug 1 P Grubb for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Aug 1 Prichard & Lester for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Aug 7 Flynn & Anderson for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Aug 5 Orderded that the application of Frank Peters be & is hereby referred to License Comtee Claims Paid City Fund W H Taylor Treasurer No 762 $150. E S Osborne Clerk 763 $125. Frank Seidel Assessor 764 $1187.50 J H Woolery Chief of Police 765 $100. D L McCowan Police 766 $80. J C Floyd Police 767 $80. T S Small Police 768 $80. John Kelly Police 769 $80. A H Manning Police 770 $80. James Welch Police 771 $80. F A Minick Police 772 $80. Chas Lind Police 773 $50.65 Willis Millikin Police 774 $29.30 R Osborne Atty 775 $75. E L Smith Health Officer 776 $75. T H Cann J P Fees 777 $31.45 Neuman & Argens Repair Ballot Boxes 778 $50. O N Monte [?] Election 779 $8.
516 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 1/84 Benj Murphy Judge of Election No 780 $8. W W Barker Judge of Election 781 $8. A D Dawson Clerk 782 $8. Jas F Pickering Clerk 783 $8. D N Hyde Inspector of Election 784 $8. O C Shorey Judge of Election 785 $8. A Storch Judge of Election 786 $8. H J Jacobs Clerk of Election 787 $8. Abner Gardner Clerk of Election 788 $8. R Scott Inspector of Election 789 $8. D T Denny Judge of Election 790 $8. W G Latimer Judge of Election 791 $8. E Bryan Clerk of Election 792 $8. B A Starkey Clerk of Election 793 $8. H A Fredericks Desks to 2d Ward Voting place 794 $1. M J Calligan Desks to 2d Ward Voting place 795 $.50 C F Clancy Team to deliver ballot boxes 796 $2. Ed L Lindsley Desks from 2d Ward Voting place 797 $1. D H Webster Special Officer at Election 798 $3. J D Lowman Stationary 799 $20.80 C Hanford Job Work 800 $17.50 M H Wilcox & Co Brooms etc. 801 $3.10 Young & McKeon Repairs to Water Closet 802 $1.75 L P Smith & Son Dog Tags 803 $25. J S M Smart Attending upon prisoner 804 $5. Road Fund Henry Sheehan Street labor $91. use of Horse $39. No 560 $130. S Berry Street labor 561 $75. John Terrice Street labor 562 $75. Luther Albee Street labor 563 $65. S Koon Street labor 564 $26.25 Thos Rock Street labor 565 $65. W Mullins Street labor 567 $25. W Murphy Street labor 568 $25. Chas Willliams Street labor 569 $90. James Campbell Street labor 572 $65.
517 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 1/84 P Forrest Street labor No 573 $50. J L McClellan Street labor 574 $12.50 J F Stevens Street labor 575 $25. Ranke & Lohse Diggind up sewer in Front St 576 $15. James Bogart Boarding Prisoners 577 $39.50 James Bogart Working Prisoners 578 $46.25 Stetson & Post lumber 579 $53.92 G P McFaden hauling 580 $10.50 Wald & Campbell nails etc 581 $18.90 J M Snow Surveys of S 2d St 582 $15.90 J M Snow Surveys of Comcial & Mill 583 $27.50 J M Snow Surveys of Battery St sewer 584 $11.25 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co gas No 84 $371. Seattle Gas Lt Co repairs 85 $41.89 Fire Fund H H Young Salary as fire Warden No 414 $75. W A Perry Engineer #1 415 $75. P E Smith Engineer #2 416 $75. L Miller Engines to dulls 417 $17.50 L E Boren Hauling Hose Cart 418 $1. Gordon Hardware Co Emery Cloth etc 419 $3.50 S W Hovey Oil etc 420 $4.25 James Trana Washing hose 421 $8. W A Perry Repairs etc 422 $3.55 A P Freeman Work on fire Hats 423 $.75 J M Lyon Record 424 $2.75 Cemetary Fund J M Snow Platting new Cemetary No 10 $151.19 5th Street grade #573 Wm Harkins Contract Work 1124-1127 $157.50 J M Snow Engineering 1128 $23.30
518 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug1/84 Front - Temperance Sts Grade #565 J M Snow Engineering No 1129 $62.50 S G Simpson Contract Work 1130 $223.50 Miscellaneous Ordered tthat David T Denny be & is hereby appointed on of the Commisioners under Ordinance No 571 entitled "An ordinacne for the purpose of converting Seattle Cemetary into a Public Park." And now the Council proceeds to open & Consider the bids for furnishing the Compiled Ordinances of the City which bids are from Clarence HAnford and the Globe Printing Co. Ordered that said bids be & Are hereby referred to B L Northrup And now B L Northrup makes his report that the bid of Clarence Hanford is the lowest and best bod. Ordered that the rate of assessment in order to provide funds to pay for the Improvements done on Bell Street under Ordiance No 555 be & is hereby fixed at 37&1/10 mills on the Dollar. Ordinances anOrdinance is submitted to amend sec 15 of Ordinance No 383 in relationto grade. Referred to surveyor An Ordinance is submitted entitled "To provide for building a sidewalk in Fron t, Kentucky, Harrison and Temperance Streets" after due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Day, McDonald, Northrup, Rasin & Wusthoff Against adoption none. And now Councilman Keenen appears and takes his seatl. 2 Ordinances are submitted each being entitled "A special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Day, Keenen, McDonaldNorthrup, Rasin & Wusthoff Against adoption none. Orderd that the Council stand now adjourned. Attest E S Osborne Clerk Approved mayor