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Aug 1/84
Be it remembered that onthis the 1st day of August, 1884 the Com-
mon Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber
pursuant to law.
The following officers are prEsent to wit: His Honor the Acting Mayor
Councilman U M Rasin and councilmen Chas McDonald, B L
, Otto Ranke & F W Wusthoff.
Thereupon the following proceedings are had:
Petitions Rec'd
From Washton Fire Co #2 for use of room in City Hall for sleeping
purposes Granted.
From S F Coombs for appontment as Special Policeman
Communications Rec'd
From Chief of Fire Dept protesting against the granting to Gordon
Hardware Co
permission to store powder.
Reports Rec'd
from Street Comissioner. Referred to Street Comtee
From Chief of Police Ordered filed
From City Justice Ordered Filed
From Treasurer Referred to Financial Comtee
From Atty Ordered filed
From Harbor Master Ordered filed
Committees Reports
From Judiciary Comtee rejecting the petition of J W Hunt et al
to repeal the Ordinance prohibiting the wearing bells by Cows
From Special Comtee submitting the following resolution
Resolved: That this council extend to Mr Struve our thanks for
the able impartial and courteous manner in which he has performed
the duties of presiding Officer of this body. By his ability as am
executive officer he has heightened our labors more than one half.
His Clearness of perception has enabled him to decide vexed questions
without delay. He has never rendered a decision upon a disputed
question with partiality. his courtesy has been uniform
to all of us and we trust that our personal relations in the future
may be as pleasant and our official ones have been during his

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