


Status: Indexed

Sept 5/84
Ordered that the Contract be & is hereby awarded to the Post-Intelligencer
for city printing for the ensuing year.
Ordered that the Contract for furnishing lumber be & is hereby
awarded to Stetson & Post upon their bid of $9.00 per M B M[thousand board feet]
And now the council proceeds to examine the assessment
Roll of Fifth Street Grade under Ordinance No 573, whereupon
no objections being made to said assessment roll and the
same being found to be correct in every particular. It is ordered
that said assessment Roll be & is hereby approved.
Ordered that the Assessment roll for Front Temperance Streets
Grade under Ordinance No 565 be & rhe same is hereby referred to
the City Attorney
And now it appearing that a vacancy exists in the office
of one of the members of the Council from the 1st Ward, the Council
proceeds to an election to fill such vacancy, whereupon such
election is held and W V Rinehart receiving a majority of all
of the votes of the members of the Council, is duly declared elected
to the office of Councilman for the 1st Ward to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of Franklin Matthias & for the term provided
by law.
And now it appearing that a vacancy exists in the office
of one of the members of the Council from the 3rd Ward, the Council
proceeds to an election to fill such vacancy, whereupon such
election is held and W G Latimer receiving a majority of all
of the votes of the members of the Council, is duly declared elected
to the office of Councilman for the 3rd Ward to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of B F Day & for the term provided by law.
And now the Street Comtee recommend that granting of the
petition of W Barnett et al for an allowance on a/c of 4th Street Grade
Ordered that the Street Comtee be & is hereby instructed to
report upon the matter of using the wastage on 5th Street for
depositing with certain other streets.
The attorney submits an Ordinance entitles "An Ordinance to regulate
the purchasing of supplies and materials for use of the City, and the auditing
of the amount spent" After due consideration said ordinance

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