Sept 19/84
Be it remembered on this the 19th day of September 1884 the
Common Council of theCity of Seattle meets inits Council Chamber
pursuant to law.
The following Officers are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor John
Leary and councilmen Chas F Clancy, Geo F Frye, W A Harrison, B L
Northrup, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox, H L Yesler, W G Latimer, & W V Rinehart,
Thereupon the following proceedings are had:
Petitions rec'd
From First National Bank for the payment of a Warrant on Seneca Street
Grade fund on the amount of $1280.57. Referred to Judiciary Comtee
From Fredk Prosch et al for opening Virginia Street between 2d & 5th Streets
Referred dto Street Comtee
From Saml Kenney for the right to remove the old Clayton Building to
1/2 of Lot 5 Block 8 Boren & Denny's Plat. Granted
From W C Reneal to permit Chinese Clay Street for 30 days
Petition Denied
From Lemuel Wilcox for a drain tocarry waters from Spring Street. Referred
to Comtee on Sewers
From Jonah Seaman for damages caused by loss of horse on the Streets
in the sum of $250.00 Referred to City Attorney
From H Hershberg & Co et al protesting against the erection of certain proposed wooden
buildings on Front Street. Laid on the table
Communications and Reports
From Officer Gardner reporting the results of certain special duty as-
signed by His Honor the Mayor
From the surveyor recommending the construction of a sidewalk on the north
side of Battery Street from Sixth to Depot Street Adopted
From the surveyor recommending the laying of 900 lineal feet of plank road
along the Beach Road by the Street Commissioner under the supervision of the
member of the Street Comtee from the Fifth Ward. Adopted
From the surveyor recommending a sewer for Union Street. Referred
to Comtee on Sewers
From the surveyor recommending certain changes in the grade elevatins
on 3rd Street between Spring and Seneca Streets Adopted
From the surveyor submitting the Specifications for the Improvement of
Yesler Street under Ordinance no 592, after due consideration tthe same are
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