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Oct 3/84
D H Hill & Co Grading 30cents
Cribbing $2.
Sidewalk $12.
Box Drains $21.
Ordered that the Contract be & is hereby awarded to W F Dearborn upon
his executing a proper bond in the sum of $250.00
And now the surveyor submits the specifications for a Sidewalk
on Battery Street under Ordinance No 601. After due examination
said specifications are approved.
Ordered that the Chief of Police be & is hereby instructed to enforce the
ordinance regulating the storing of Powder.
Ordered that the Seattle Street Railway Co be & is hereby instructed to
lower their track or gravel up to the same on Front Street so that teams
may be able to cross the same.
Ordered that all water connections on Inclines be discontinued
A report is rec'd from the Cemetary Commision on the work
already completed by O C Shorey in disinterring bodies from
old cemetary & also containing suggestions. Referred to
Comtee on Public buildings, Property & Grounds.
Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Mon-
day October 12, 1884 at 7&1/2 o'clock pm
Attest E S Osborne clerk
Approved John Leary mayor
Oct 13/84
Be it remembered that on this the 13th day of October 1884 the
CommonCouncil of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber
pursuant to adjournment
The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor
John Leary & Councilmen Chas F Clancy, Geo F Frye, B L Northrup,
Alfred Snyder, E F Sox, H L Yesler, W G Latimer & W V Rinehart
thereupon thefollowing proceedings are had:
Petitions Rec'd
From D E Blaine asking the Council not to issue any warrants
on a/c of Fifth Street Grade fund until claim of petitoner is

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