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5 revisions | StephanieJoWebb at Oct 02, 2020 04:26 PM 6
Nov 7/84
[[Ballard & Sox]] hardware No 678 $48.65
[[J H May]] Hauling Gravel 679 $48.65
[[Miller Bros & R Russell]] Hauling Gravel 680 $48.65
[[G Kellogg & Co]] Castor oil etc for team 681 $2.75
[[Alfred Snyder]] Feed for Team 682 $48.65
[[Jones & Hubbell]] Feed for Team 683 $48.65
[[J F Warner & Co]] Supplies of use of horses & Harness 684 $22.
[[G L Manning]] Expenses to Renton to purchase cart 685 $2.
[[J W Hunt]] Sharpening Picks etc 686 $14.30
[[Neuman & Argens]] Sharpening Tools 687 $1.10
[[Wm Beattie]] Repairing Scraper 688 $8.90
[[S E Davison]] Hauling Scraper 689 $.50
[[Oregon & Transit Continental R R Co.]] Cart Harness & Scraper 690 $43.
[[J Smith]] Hauling Harness & Scraper 691 $4.50
[[Waddell & Miles]] Bucket 692 $1.50
[[F A Pontius]] Road Poll tax refunded 693 $4.
Gas Fund
[[Seattle Gas Lt Co]] Lamps No 91 $461.12
[[Seattle Gas Lt Co]] Gas 92 $322.
[[Washington Iron Works Co]] Lamp posts 93 $73.50
[[J H May]] Attending lights 94 $50.15
[[J Schram & Co]] Fixing Lamps 95 $43.08
[[Moses Keezer]] Making Gas Light Stand 96 $7.
Fire Fund
[[W A Perry]] Engineer #1 No 480 $75.
[[P E Smith]] Engineer #2 481 $75.
[[Chas E Harding]] Washing hose 482 $3.
[[G Kellogg & Co]] Supplies 483 $16.66
[[John F Trana]] Washing hose 484 $6.
[[Hunter & Shaw]] Hauling Hose Cart 485 $10.
[[R H Calligan]] Coal 486 $17.05
[[G Kellogg & Co]] Coal 487 $10.80
[[M J Calligan]] Coal 488 $6.10
[[G Kellogg & Co]] paint & brush 489 $5.
[[Robt H Street]] Damages to stock, EnginePractice 490 $11.
[[John Langston]] Hauling hose cart 491 $5.
558 6
Nov 7/84
[[Ballard & Sox]] hardware No 678 $48.65
[[J H May]] Hauling Gravel 679 $48.65
[[Miller Bros & R Russell]] Hauling Gravel 680 $48.65
[[G Kellogg & Co]] Castor oil etc for team 681 $2.75
[[Alfred Snyder]] Feed for Team 682 $48.65
[[Jones & Hubbell]] Feed for Team 683 $48.65
[[J F Warner & Co]] Supplies of use of horses & Harness 684 $22.
[[G L Manning]] Expenses to Renton to purchase cart 685 $2.
[[J W Hunt]] Sharpening Picks etc 686 $14.30
[[Neuman & Argens]] Sharpening Tools 687 $1.10
[[Wm Beattie]] Repairing Scraper 688 $8.90
[[S E Davison]] Hauling Scraper 689 $.50
[[Oregon & Transit Continental R R Co.]] Cart Harness & Scraper 690 $43.
[[J Smith]] Hauling Harness & Scraper 691 $4.50
[[Waddell & Miles]] Bucket 692 $1.50
[[F A Pontius]] Road Poll tax refunded 693 $4.
Gas Fund
[[Seattle Gas Lt Co]] Lamps No 91 $461.12
[[Seattle Gas Lt Co]] Gas 92 $322.
[[Washington Iron Works Co]] Lamp posts 93 $73.50
[[J H May]] Attending lights 94 $50.15
[[J Schram & Co]] Fixing Lamps 95 $43.08
[[Moses Keezer]] Making Gas Light Stand 96 $7.
Fire Fund
[[W A Perry]] Engineer #1 No 480 $75.
[[P E Smith]] Engineer #2 481 $75.
[[Chas E Harding]] Washing hose 482 $3.
[[G Kellogg & Co]] Supplies 483 $16.66
[[John F Trana]] Washing hose 484 $6.
[[Hnter & Shaw]] Hauling Hose Cart 485 $10.
[[R H Calligan]] Coal 486 $17.05
[[G Kellogg & Co]] Coal 487 $10.80
[[M J Calligan]] Coal 488 $6.10
[[G Kellogg & Co]] paint & brush 489 $5.
[[Robt H Street]] Damages to stock, EnginePractice 490 $11.
[[John Langston]] Hauling hose cart 491 $5.
558 |