Nov 21/84
money to pay audited bills." Adopted upon the following vote, towit. In
favor of adoption Clancy, Frye, Harrington, Latimer, Northrup, Rinehart,
Snyder, Sox & Yesler. Against adoption none.
Ordered that the Street Commissioner be & is hereby instructed to work
all laborers on the streets 9 hours for a days work, the vote of wages to
remain as heretofore
The Street Comtee reject the petition of John H. Randolph for an
exclusive privilege to post bills. Report adopted
The Street Comtee return the plat of "D. T. Dennys Park addition to the
City of Seattle" recommending that the same be approved. adopted
Ordered that the vote of levy in orer to provide funds to pay for the
Improvement of Battery Street under Ordinance No. 601 be & the same is
hereby fixed at 68 mills on the Dollar.
A report is rec'd from the Cemetery Commissioners on Cemetery matters.
Referred to the Comtee on Public Buildings, Property & Grounds.
Ordered that the Council as a body accompanied by the Surveyor
proceed on Saturday the 22d inst to examine the matter of a Sewer
for Union Street.
A proposal is rec'd from M. J. Welch offering to remove the rock from
Madison Street for $80.00 [/underline]. Ordered laid on the table
Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned
Attest: E.S Osborne Clerk
Approved John Leary, Mayor
Dec 5/84
Be it remembered that on this the 5th day of December 1884 the
Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursu-
ant to law.
The following Officers are present, tonit: His Honor the Mayor John
Leary and Councilmen Chas F. Clancy, Geo. F. Frye, B. L. Northrup, Alfred
Snyder, E. F. Sox, H. L. Yesler, W. G. Latimer & W. V. Rinehart.
Thereupon the following proceedings are had:
Petitions Rec'd
From U. A. Carr for correcting an assessment. Referred to Finance Comtee
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