Dec 26/84
Frye, Harrington,Latimer,Northrup, Snyder, Sox & Yesler. Against
adoption Rinehart.
The attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "An ordinace to amend
Section 3 of Ordinance No 318" After due consideration said Ordi-
nance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In foavr of adoption
Clancy, Frye, Harrington, Latimer, Northrup, Rinehart, Snyder,Sox
& Yesler. Against adoption none.
The Attorney submits an ordinance entitled "To require private
prosecutors to give security for costs." After due consideration said
ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adop-
tion Clancy, Frye, Harrington, Latimer, Northrup, Rinehart, Snyder,
Sox & Yesler. Against adoption none.
The Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "Creating the offices
of Harbor Master, Street Commissioner and Sexton" After due
consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favorr of adoption
Clancy, Frye, Harrington, Latimer, Northrup, Rinehart, Snyder,Sox
& Yesler. Against adoption none.
The Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "To amend section 8 of
Ordinance No397" After due considertion said ordinanceis adop-
ted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Frye,
Harrington, Latimer, Northrup, Rinehart, Snyder,Sox & Yesler.
Against adoption none.
The Ordinance is submitted entitled "A special Ordinance appropri-
ating money to pay audited bills." Adopted upon the following
vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Frye, Harrington, LatimerNorthrup,
Rinehart, Snyder,Sox & Yesler. Against adoption none.
Ordered the application of Gumbert & Dickman for a Retail liquor
be granted upon the condition that they in future observe the provis-
ions of Ordinance No 617
Ordered that the matter of consolidating the payment of taxes in
City Warrants be postponed.
Claims Paid
The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are
orderd paid by Warrants drawn on the Funds and in the amounts
following to wit:
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