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578 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 26/84 Cemetary Fund J B Metcalf Services as Cemetary Commissioner etc. No 29 $150. Water Fund John F Trana Boxing, filling & oiling Fire Hydrants No 5 $17.50 Councilman Alfred Snyder presents the following Resolution " Resolved that the thanks of this council is hereby tended to Gardner "Kellogg for the faithful and efficient manner in which he as "filled the Office of the Fire Department." Adopted by unanimous vote. Ordered that the petition of E G Johnson et al for the passage of an Ordinance annexed, to regulate the sale of Intoxicating liquors be taken from the table and referred to the Judiciary Committee. Ordered that the application of Frank Wilton for a Retail Liquor license be & is hereby granted. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned Approved Attest: E S Osborne clerk John Leary mayor

Jan 2/85 Be it remembered that on this the 2nd day of January 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in the Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following Officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilman Chas F Clancy, W A Harrington , B L Northrup, Alfred Snyder, E F Sox, H L Yesler, W G Latimer & W V Rinehart. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd From Sharpe Coffman & Co et al for a crossing in South 2nd Street at Jackson Street. Referred to Street Comtee From Niesz, Whittlesey & Co offering to furnish an abstract to the City. Referred to Finance Comtee. From Geo Spangle for remitting $30.00 license money paid for Skating Rink License. Referred to License Comtee. From Dietrich Rohlfs for correcting Assessment referred to Finance

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


579 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jan 2/85 From Mary Costello for repayment of certain taxes paid. Referred to Judiciary Comtee From R Levy for refunding Road Poll Tax paid Referred to Street Comtee. Communications and Reports From Surveyor regarding Monument in Front & Marion Streets ordered that the Surveyor be & is hereby instructed at set witness posts for monument to be removed. From surveyor reporting that the time for the completion of the Fifth Street grade had expired. Accepted From Surveyor reporting that the time for the completion of James Street Grade had expired. Ordered that the Street Commissioner be & is hereby instructed to preserve the said grading already done from damage by Water and change the same to the account of the Contractors. From City Justice Cann showing fines collected. From Justice Cann showing fines collected From Chief of Police showing arrests fines collected From Chief of Police showing arrests for December 1884 From Street Commissioner showing work performed for December 184 From Attorney on pending litigation From Treasurer for an extension of time in which to make a semi annual report. Adopted From Jailor showing prisoners in confinement Committees Reports From Health & Police recommending the passage of an ordinance to prevent the interference with Water Pipes etc. Applications for Licenses Referred Thomas & Morgan, L Diller, Geo Meister, John S Meregan, Oliver Bernard, F Claus, James W Smith, John Collins & Chas G Steinway Licenses Ordered Issued Ordered that licenses by issued as follows, to wit: Meyers & Powers for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Dec 18/84 Blanchard & Co for Wholesale &Retail for 3 months from Dec 12/84 John Stifter for Grocery for 3 months from Jan 1,1885 John S Mennan for Retail for 3 months from Dec 27, 1884

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


580 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 4/85 Claims Paid the following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following to wit: City Fund E S Osborne Clerk 952 $125. J D Lowman Treasurer 953 $150. C H Hanford Atty 954 $100. J H Woolery Chief of Police 955 $150. Wm Murphy Police 956 $80. W H Pinckney Police 958 & 959 $80 F L Bangs Police 960 $80. James Welsh Police 961 $80. E A Gardner Police 962 $80. D H Webster Police 963 $80. W B Thompson Police 964 $80. Thos Ross Police 965 $80. G L Manning Street Commissioner 966 $91. James Bogart Janitor & Jailor 967 $60 Wm H Hughs Assessor 968 $62.50 S B Vrooman J P Fees 969 $14.40 T H Cann J P Fees 970 $40.75 Jas P Ludlowdepty clerk Costs in City -v-Stephenson 971 $50.15 D C Townsend Juror in City -v-Corbett 972 $2.20 Frank Griffin Juror in City -v-Corbett 973 $2.20 S J Grover Juror in City -v-Corbett 974 $2.20 S W Scott Juror in City -v-Corbett 975 $2.20 F M Byrd Juror in City -v-Corbett 976 $2.20 James Villi Juror in City -v-Corbett 977 $2.20 W B Thompson Witness in City -v-Corbett 978 $2.20 H A Bigelow Witness in City -v-Corbett 979 $2.20 J S Woolery Witness in City -v-Corbett 980 $3.75 C M Johnson Jury City-v-O'Brien 981 $2.20 J W Hunt Jury City-v-O'Brien 982 $2.20 H C Maddocks Jury City-v-O'Brien 983 $2.20 James McCombs Jury City-v-O'Brien 984 $2.20

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


581 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jan 2/85 H A Bigelow Jury City-v-O'Brien 985 $2.20 J A Taylor Jury City-v-O'Brien 986 $2.20 E Sullivan Witness City-v-O'Brien 987 $2.20 S Jones Witness City-v-O'Brien 988 $2.20 Peter Anderson Witness City-v-O'Brien 989 $2.20 J Morley Witness City-v-O'Brien 990 $2.20 N Antone Witness City-v-O'Brien 991 $2.20 D H Webster Fees City-v-O'Brien 992 $4.55 E A Gardner Moneys pd to procure testimony 993 $17.50 Clarence Hanford Job Work 994 $26.50 Sunset Telephone Co Line Rentals 995 $6.65 Cedar River Coal Co Coal 996 $8. F Anthony lettering Ordinance book 997 $.45 Road Fund Luke Hale Labor on Streets No 741 $10.69 Thos Rock Labor on Streets 742 $54. Wm M Jones Labor on Streets 743 $63.75 James Campbell Labor on Streets 744 $27. Frank LaBonty Labor on Streets 745 $33.18 Andrew Holt Labor on Streets 746 $5.72 C R Miller Labor on Streets 747 $14.65 T Lee Labor on Streets 748 $10.13 A C Turner Labor on Streets 749 $33.75 A J Waltz Labor on Streets 750 $25.87 G H Rummel Labor on Streets 751 $11.25 J Close Labor on Streets 752 $36.56 B S Conrad Labor on Streets 753 $45. H Hoppock Labor on Streets 754 $49.50 Geo VanDyke Labor on Streets 755 $54. W J Alexander Labor on Streets 756 $30.95 Phil Corcorkan Labor on Streets 757 $29.25 Geo Huntley Labor on Streets 758 $24.20 Robt Reed Labor on Streets 759 $75. Paul Byer Labor on Streets 760 $10.69 J L McClellan Labor on Streets 761 $52.62 W Johnson Labor on Streets 762 $13.50

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


582 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 2/85 W M Curtis Labor on Streets No 763 $2.25 A Nummelin Labor on Streets 764 $5.06 J M Hoffman Labor on Streets 765 $4.50 W Crowsur Labor on Streets 766 $30.95 C M Bywater Labor on Streets 767 $24.20 J R Davis Labor on Streets 768 $10.69 James Hodgkinson Labor on Streets 769 $5.75 James Bogart Boarding prisoners 770 $21. Western Mill Co Lumber 771 $580.02 Geo Newell Lumber 772 $244.37 Stetson & Post Lumber 773 $193.34 Ed Herrick hauling Lumber 774 $30. B B Freed hauling Lumber 775 $27.75 L S Card hauling Lumber 776 $7.85 Hans Nelson hauling Lumber 777 $11.77 Ballard & Sox Hardware & Sewer Pipe 778 $269.08 Harrington & Smith hardware 779 $11.75 Wm Beattie horse shoeing etc 780 $6.20 Jones & Hubbell feed for team 781 $36.20 J F Warner & Co repairs to harnesses etc 782 $8. R H Thompson Engineering Marion St sewer 783 $33.90 Fire Fund W A Perry Engineer #1 No 503 $75. P E Smith Engineer #2 504 $75. James Dunham Washing Hose 505 $3. Miller Bros Hauling Engine from Fire 506 $2.50 Harrington & Smith Hatcher Handle 507 $.50 Water Fund John Sturm Keeping hydrants open No 6 $30. John F Trana Keeping hydrants open 7 $27. Stetson & Post Lumber for hydrants 8 $6.55 Moses Keezer Boxing hydrant 9 $2. J R Davis Working hydrant 10 $9. Sharpe, Coffman & Co Repairs hydrant 11 $5. Ballard & Sox Oil Can for hydrant 12 $1.

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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