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Journal of the proceedings of the
Jan 2/85 -
is elected as justice of the Peace for the city firm Jan 5.1881.
For the time provided by law.
There being a vacancy in the newly created office of city
Sexton the council proceeds to an election to fill such
vacancy. Whereupon O C Shorey is elected to the office
of city Sexton for the term provided by law.
An ordinance to create a new cemetary is laid over until
next meeting.
Ordered that the matter of considering an ordinance to
regulate the rule of intoxicating liquor be & is hereby laid
over until next meeting.
Ordered that the Sewer Committee be and is hereby granted further
time in which to report on the Columbia Street sewer matter
Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned
approved John Leary, mayor

attest: E.S. Osborne

Jan 16/85
Be it remembered that on this the 16th day of January 1885 the
Common Council of the city of Seattle meets in its council chamber
pursuant to law.
The following officers are present towit: His honor the mayor
John Leary and Councilmen Chas F. Clancy, Geo. F. Faye, B.L.
, Alfred Snyder, E.F. Sox, H.L. Yesler, W.G. Latimer &
W.V. Rinehart
Thereupon the following proceedings are had:
Petitions Read
From the trustees of Seattle Lodge No. 7 for rebating certain
taxes paid. Granted
From the Co. #4 for an engine.
From R. Scott for certain repairs on Pine Street. Referred to Street
Communications and Reports
From Clerk for Registration Books. Granted
From Clerk showing Indebtedness

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