Jan 16/85
Clancy, Frye, Latimer & Yesler. Against the same Northrup, Rinehart
Snyder & Sox
Ordered that the Contractor on 5th Street Grade be & is hereby granted
an extension of time to complete the same until Feb 20, 1885
Ordered that the Judiciary Comtee be & id hereby instructed to
examine the Contractor's Bond for the Improvement of James Street
and make recommendations to the Council touching the comple-
tion of the Improvement.
Ordered that the Cemetary Ordinance be & is hereby referred to
the Comittee of Public Buildings, Property and Grounds with instructions
to fill blanks therein
Ordered that the Comtee on Public Buildings, Property, & Grounds
be & is hereby instructed to repair & arrange the Building in
rear of Bell's Hotel on Battery Street for the storing of Fire Engine
Ordered that a street lamp post with lamp be sold to the
Brunswick House.
Ordered that the Street Commissioner be & is hereby instructed
to put the name of W G Latimer on his Roll of Street Laborers
& Allow him for such time and such rate of wages as he
may determine right.
Ordered that a gas lamp be placed corner Front and
James Streets.
Ordered that Gas Comtee put in a gas lamp cor 6th
& Jackson Streets.
Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned
Attest E S Osborne clerk
Approved John Leary mayor
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