590 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 6/85 Be it remembered that on this the 6th day of Feburary 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following Officers are present,to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen Chas F. Clancy, Geo. F. Frye, W.A. Harrington, B.L. Northrup, Alfred Snyder, E. F. Sox, H.L. Yesler, W.G. Latimer & W.V. Rinehart. Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Recd' Buckias From Sylvanus Buckias forrefunding moneys paid for taxes and correcting assessment. Referred to Judiciary Comtee Hoskinson for Howard St condemnation From F S Hoskinson et al for condemning property for a street to be called Howard Street. Referred to Street Comtee Moyer From Geo Moyer for remitting penalty on delinquent taxes, Referred to Judiciary Comtee Engines to Belltown Remonstrances are rec'd from Julius Smith et al and from Firemen against moving Enging #2 to Bell town, Irdered that said remonstrances be laid on the table. In favor of said order, Frye, Northrup, Snyder, Sox Latimer, & Rinehart. Against the same Clancy, Harrington, & Yesler James Street From Wm Harkins for an extension of time until April 1,1885 on James Street Grade. Granted upon the condition that said Harkins pay all the claims of laborers and maerialmen already against said street. Reports Reports Rec'd From Street Commissioner Referred to Street Comtee From City Justice Referred to Street Comtee From Justice Geo G Lyon Referred to Judiciary Comtee From Harbor Master Order filed From Jailor Referred to Judiciary Comtee From Chief of Police showing arrests Referred to Judiciary Comtee Health Officers From Health Officer submitting quarterly report Referred to the Comtee on Health and Police From Treasurer on the condition of city Funds Referred to Clerk Surveyor on drain Mill & Front From Surveyor on defective drainage at Mill and Fourth Streets Referred to Sewer Comtee Same on Front at bulkhead From Surveyor on defective bulkhead on West side of Front Street Referred to the Attorney
591 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 6/85 From the Atty on pending litigation Ordered filed. Resolution for fire engine A resolution is rec'd from Engine Co #4 regarding a fire Engine Referred to Comtee on Fire and Water Engine to Belltown Ordered that the Remonstrance against moving Engine Co #2 be taken from the table & be referred to the Comtee on Public Buildings Property and Grounds. Front St bulkhead The Atty makes a report on the matter of repairing bulkheads on the West Side of Front Street. Atty instructed to make further report Comtee Reports Committee Reports From Street Comtee rejecting the petition of R Levy for rebating Road Poll tax paid. Report adopted E Ellis Sidewalk From Street Comtee on the petition of R Scott recommending that Edwin Ellis be required to construct a sidewalk fronting his property Cor 3rd & Pike Streets. Report adopted Licenses Referred Applications for licenses referred O'Shea, Parent, John Shepich, Andrew Storah, S Baxter & Co, Lewis Silven, John T Lester, Boegli and Braillard, Wm Grose, ]]Schwabacher Bros & Co]], Frank P Heinen, August Wolff, Fred Gasch, Grubb & Johnson, Bernard Kurz, Wm Busha, Scholpp & Kallson, Claus & Harms, Andrew Storah, John Feigh, Margaret Sullivan, Blanchard and Smith, Andrew Hemrich, Flynn & Anderson Licenses Issued Licenses Ordered Issued John McCary for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 15, 1885 Bittner & Theiler forGrocery for 3 months from Jan 16, 1885 Small & McMaster for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 17, 1885 Bersch & Hink for Retail liquors for 3 months from Feb 1, 1885 Andrew Lumm & Co for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 26, 1885 James Miles for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 15, 1885 H Kersey for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 12, 1885 Shaw & Alger for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 9, 1885 A E Alden for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 1, 1885 [Chas F O'Hara]] for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 7, 1885 Wm Busha for Retail liquors for 3 months from Jan 17, 1885
592 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 6/85 Ordered that the application of Kate Rexburgh be & the same is hereby rejected Claims Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drqwn upon the funds in the amounts following to wit: City Fund E S Osborne Clerk No 1003 $ 125. J D Lowman Treasurer 1004 150. C H Hanford Attorney 1005 100. J H Woolery Chief of Police 1006 150. F L Bangs Police 1007 80. Wm Murphy Police 1008 80. E A Gardner Police 1009 80. James Welch Police 1010 80. W H Pinckney Police 1011& 1012 80. G L Manning Street Commissioner 1013 98. G A Weed HealthOfficer 1014 75. Wm Hughes Assessor 1015 62.50 James Bogart Janitor & Jailor 1016 60. J H McGraw Sheriff's Fees 1017 74.50 Clarence Hanford Job Work 1018 46. Globe Printing Job Work 1019 17.50 J D Lowman Stationary 1020 6.35 Sunset Telephone Co Line Rentals 1021 6.65 Post Intelligencer Pub Co Printing 1022 42.40 Cochran & Robb Team Nos 1023 17.80 S C Harris Recording City Park Deeds 1024 15. Harrington & Smith Ladder 1025 4..80 Young & McKeon Repairing Roof on City Hall 1026 4.25 Lelia J Robinson Referee in City -v-Plummer 1027 8. F A Pontius Medicines 1028 1. R H Thompson Plats for assess or planking Comcial Mill & Front sts 1029 12. E S Osborne Postal Cards for Police Force 1030 1.
593 JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 6/85 Road Fund Robt Reed Labor on Streets No 788 $75. J Close Labor on Streets 789 72.88 Wm M Jones Labor on Streets 790 65. J L McClellen Labor on Streets 791 60.75 G H Rummel Labor on Streets 792 60.75 Geo Van Dyke Labor on Streets 793 60.75 Luke Hale Labor on Streets 793 59.63 James Campbell Labor on Streets 795 58.50 H Hoppock Labor on Streets 796 55.12 Geo Huntley Labor on Streets 797 54. J R Davis Labor on Streets 798 54. Phil Cocorkan Labor on Streets 799 54. A J Waltz Labor on Streets 800 54. A C Cook Labor on Streets 801 52.88 R Shewan Labor on Streets 802 52.88 W J Alexander Labor on Streets 803 57.75 Lewis Navaric Labor on Streets 804 57.75 A C Turner Labor on Streets 805 50.62 Fred Kelly Labor on Streets 806 49.50 H Roseburg Labor on Streets 807 49.50 B S Conrad Labor on Streets 808 47.25 M A Murphy Labor on Streets 809 42.75 A G Lawson Labor on Streets 810 40.50 W F Elick Labor on Streets 811 38.25 G H Rummel Labor on Streets 812 27. John Dickerson Labor on Streets 813 27. A Merrifield Labor on Streets 814 27. E L Huson Labor on Streets 815 27. E Drullinger Labor on Streets 816 25.87. A Merrifield Labor on Streets 817 25.87 A Cramer Labor on Streets 818 24.75 C M Bywater Labor on Streets 819 24.75 W Crowser Labor on Streets 820 24.75 Thos Rock Labor on Streets 821 22.50 W Johnson Labor on Streets 822 21.38
594 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 6/85 J A O'Neal Labor on Streets No 823 $16.87 E C McClanahan Labor on St 824 15.75 R A Wilson Labor on Streets 825 15.75 H B Williams Labor on Streets 826 14.62 A P Huson Labor on Streets 827 14.60 W Curtis Labor on Streets 828 9. S D Fannon Labor on Streets 829 9. Stetson & Post Lumber 830 285.10 Seattle Lumber & Comcial Co Lumber 831 11.32 D M McDaniel Hauling Lumber 832 9. Steves Bros Hauling Lumber 833 1.75 Ballard & Sox Hardware 834 120.45 Wald & Campbell Hardware 835 2.62 Gordon Hardware Co Hardware 836 14.50 Jones & Hubbell Feed for Team 837 44.60 J F Warner & Co Repairing Harness etc 838 3.75 J W Hunt Repair Tools 839 21.20 Wm Beattie Horse Shoeing & Repairs 840 7.55 James Bogart Boarding prisoners 841 14.20 Gordon Hardware Co Iron for James St Grade 842 27.30 Chas McDonald Bracing up Cribbing sa 843 21.65 Thos Wood Padlocks, Chains & nials 844 3.15 Seattle Cooperative Society Candles 845 2.07 Chas Baker Lanterns & Coal oil 846 2.45 Harrington Smith Oakum & wick 847 1. R H Thompson Engineering Rollin St Extension 848 40.50 R H Thompson Engineering Madison St Sewer 849 23. R H Thompson Engineering Union St Sewer 850 29.80 Seattle Lodge No7 IOOF Taxes Refunded 851 3.75 Gas Fund Settle Gas Lt Co Gas No 105 $341.93 J Schram & Co Putting in Posts 106 96.57 J H May Attending Lights 107 52.41 Washington Iron Works Lamp Postsl 108 21. Fire Fund W A Perry Engineer #1 No 511 $75.