



Status: Indexed

Common Council of the City of Seattle
Mar 6/85
Be it remembered that on this the 6th day of March 1885 the Common
Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to
The following Offices are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor John
and Councilmen Geo. F. Frye, W.A. Harrington, B.L. Northrup,
Alfred Snyder, H.L. Yesler, W.M. Latimer, W.V. Rinehart.
Thereupon the following proceedings are had:
Petitions Rec'd
Neuman & Argens to keep powder
From Newman & Argens for the right to keep 100 lbs of powder.
Granted upon the condition that the means for keeping the same
shall be first approved by the Chief of the fire Department
Chaffee hog pen nuisance
From A L Spencer for abating the Chaffee hog pen nuisance
Referred to the Committee on Health & Police.
Block 42 Draining of
From D C Townsend et al for removing water from Off Block 42 of
Heirs of S A Bell Addition
. Refered to the committee on sewers.
Mill St Grading of remonstrance
From Moses Keezer et al remonstrating against the proposed
grading of Mill Street.
Moltke St opening of
From A E Howser for opening Moltke Street. Referred to Street
Bywater claim
From C M Bywater making claims for $20.00 for recovering
certain House. Referred to the Committee on Fire & Water
Reports Rec'd
Mill St grading
From Street Committee recommending the denial of the petition
of James Park et al for grading Mill Street. Report adopted
from the Atty on pending litigation adopted
From City Justice Ordered filed
Meyers & Powers litigation
From Atty on the deposition of moneys to be paid Witnesses in
City-v-Meyers & Powers. Acepted
From Jailor showing prosoners on confinement. Ordered filed
From Treasurer showing the condition of funds. Referred to Finance
Tax Roll 1884 retd
From Treasurer returning the Tax Roll for the year 1884 together
with his report thereon showing delinquint taxes. Report referred
to Finance Comtee.
From Street Commissioner showing street work done. referred
to Street Comtee.

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