



Status: Page Status Indexed

Mar 6/85
The note on granting said licenses is a follows In favor of gran-
ting said licenses Frye, Harrington, Latimer, Rinehart, Yesler,
Against the same Northrup
Claims paid
The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are
ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts
following to wit:
City Fund
E S Osborne Clerk No1035 $125.
J D Lowman Tresurer 1036 150.
C H Hanford Atty 1037 100.
J H Woolery Chief of Police 1038 150.
E A Gardner Police 1039 80.
Wm Murphy Police 1040 80.
Wm H Pinckney Police 1041-1043 80.
James Welsh Police 1044 80.
F L Bangs Police 1045 80.
G L Manning Street Commissioner 1046 84.
G A Hill City Justice Fees 1047 25.
G A Hill City Justice Fees 1048 67.70
Geo G Lyon Justice Fees 1049 21.40
Geo G Lyon Justice Fees City-v-Meyers & Powers 1050 13.35
G A Hill Justice Fees City-v-Meyers & Powers 1051 6.50.
H G Thornton Constable Fees City-v-Meyers & Powers 1052 5.70
Lewis Van Doren Constable Fees City-v-Meyers & Powers 1053 12.65
Lewis Van Doren Constable Fees City Cases 1054 6.60
W H Hughes Assessor 1055 62.50
James Bogart Janitor & Jailor 1056 60.
Post Intelligencer Pub Co Printing 1057 11.60
Clarence Hanford Job Work 1058 7.50
Globe Printing Co Job Work 1059 7.75
Sunset Telephone Co Line Rentals 1060 6.65
A Mitchell Plow 1061 15.
G L Manning Freight on Plow 1062 .70
Young & McKeon Tinning Roof Engine House #2 1063 38.
Neuman & Argens Keys etc. 1064 2.60

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