Mar 27/85
Be it remembered that on this the 27th day of March 1885 the Com-
mon Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursu-
ant to the Call of His Honor the Mayor.
The following Officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor ]]John
Leary]] and Councilmen W A Harrington, B L Northrup, E F Sox, H L
Yesler, W G Latimer & W V Rinehart
Therupon the following proceedigns are h ad:
Notices of Garnish debt
Norticed of Garnishment against the City of Seattle are presented in
the cases of Gordon Hardware Co., Ballard & Hatfield & Jacob Cowen-v-
Wm Harkins also releases of said garnishments
James St Grade
Ordered that the claim of Cummings & Strong-v-James Street Grade
be paid in the sum of $4541.58 and further ordered that the
Mayor retain $1000 of said amount paid for 6 days to secure
anyother attaching claims against said street or on
account of said street.
Bylaws of Fire Dept
Application is made by the Board of Fire Delegates for the
printing of its Bylaws at the expense of the City. Referred to Fire
Council Rinehart offers the following resolution which is
unanimously adopted.
Mayors Photographs
Whereas four of the twelve Mayors of the City have contributed their
photographs to decorate the walls of our Council Chamber and
Whereas we regard therse pictures as fitting remiinder of their
services in building up this the metropolis of the Territory to its
present proud position
Now therefore resolved: That we return our thanks to Hon. H A
Atkins, Hon J S Jordan, Hon Beriah Brown, and Hon L P Smith
for their said Photographs and that we respect fully request similar
favors from the other ex-Mayors as follows: Hon C P Stone, Hon John
Collins, Hon H L Yesler, Hon Bailey Gatzert, Hon G A Weed, Hon
Orange Jacobs, Hon H G Struve and Hon John Leary Mayor; said
pictures to be the property of the City and the same to be kept
permanently in the Council Chamber.
Broadway Improvement
Ordered that a Warrant in the sumof $500.00 be drawn on
the Road Fund favor of W I Wadleigh for the purpose of opening
Broadway from Madison Street North & to Connect the same
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