621 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE adoption none Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned Attest: E S Osborne, Clerk Approved: John Leary, Mayor
On this the 17th day of April 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law The following Officers are present, towit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen B.L. Northup, Alfred Snyder, E.F. Sox and H.L. Yesler No quorum being present Council adjourned until April 20, 1885 at 7 1/2 O' Clock PM Attest: E.S. Osborne, Clerk Approved John Leary, Mayor
Be it remembered that on this the 20th day of April, 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber be & pursuant to adjornment The following Officers are present, towit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen B.L. Northup, Alfred Snyder. H.L. Yesler, W.G. Latimer, W. V. Rinehart Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd From Campbell and Brawley for vacating alley in Block 9 of Terrys addition. Referred to the Street Committee From G.M. Bradshaw for changing the route of Rollin Street Extension. Rejected From Simpson and Jordan for removing earth from Washington Street slide at certain rates. Referred to Street Committee with power to act. From Atchison Neil for correcting certain assessments. Referred to Judiciary Comtee From C.W. Lawton et al for opening Mill Street from Williamson Street to East boundry of Yesler addition. Referred to Street Committee
From D.E. Blaine for for remitting penalty, interest & other costs taxed against the property of the Michigan Mill Co. Referred to Judiciary Committee From David Kellogg asking an investigation of the sewerage system of Providence Hospital. Reports Rec'd From Sewer Committee recommending a sewer in Fourth Street between Spring and Madison Streets. Report adopted From Sewer Committee recommending that the owners of Lot 2, 3, and 4 of Block 18 of Maynards plat be notified to drain or fill in said lots so as to abate the nuisance maintained therein within 10 days, otherwise that the Street Commissioner be required to abate said nuisance at the expense of the property owners of said lots. Report adopted. From the Health Officer making an oral report on Slaughter House nuisances; also on condition of patients injured by Oriental fire; also on sewage system of Providence Hospital. Ordered that the matter of W W Evans Slaughter House be left with the Health Officer Ordered that the Clerk be & is hereby instructed to notify Providence Hospital that the City will be no longer responsible for the care of one -- Hogan injured by Oriental fire. From Chief of Fire Dept on Department matters. Ordered filed From Committee on Public Buildings, Property and Grounds recommending that the Atty be instructed to submit an ordinance creating the Office of Custodian of the Powder House. Report adopted From Street Committee recommending that Mercer Street be opened as prayed for by D.T. Denny et al. Report adopted From Judiciary Committee rejecting the petition of Atchison Neill for correcting certain assessments. Report adopted From Judiciary Committee recommending the granting of the petition D.E. Blaine. Report adopted Applications for Licenses Referred Margaret Sullivan, James Murphy, Flynn & Anderson, John Styfler, Able & Townsend, Andrew Sloan, W. T. Hall, O'Shea & Parent, H. Kersey,Boegli & Braillard, August Wolff, Julius W. Smith, S.A. Scullin, John Leigh, A J Hemrich
John Shepich, Thos Clancy, Ed H. Huntley Applications for Licenses Granted Ordered that licenses be issued as follows towit: Thomas & Morgan for Retail Intoxicating liquor for 3 months from Apr 11, 1885 Scholpp & Greeninger for Retail malt liquor for 3 months from Apr 27, 1885 Bersch & Hink for Retail Intoxicating liquor for 3 months from May 1, 1885 Gruff & Johnson for Retail Intoxicating liquor for 3 months from May 1, 1885 O.P. Dahlquist for Retail Intoxicating liquor for 3 months from Apr 23, 1885 McMaster & Caswell for Retail Intoxicating liquor for 3 months from Apr 17, 1885 Wm Groz for Retail Intoxicating liquor for 3 months from May 1, 1885 Andrew Lunn & Co for Retail Intoxicating liquor for 3 months from Apr 26, 1885 The vote on granting said licenses is as follows. In favor Rinehart, Snyder, Yesler, & Latimer. Against Northup Ordered that the application of John Farnham be & is hereby laid on the table Claims Paid Cemetary Fund John L. McLellan Fencing Washelli Cem. etc. No. 53 $53.28 Watson Spencer Fencing Washelli Cem. etc 54 11. S.C Harris Co. auditor Recording plat of same 55 22. Fire Fund The Gutta Percha Rubber Mfg Co Fire buckets No 547 $66.25 Dan McKern freight Fire buckets 548 1.44 Oregan Improvement Co Coal at Stetson & Post Fire 549 12.65 A. LaBrasche services at Stetson & Post Fire 550 5.50 Pat Hogan services at Stetson & Post Fire 551 5. Ian L Johnson services at Stetson & Post Fire 552 4. Lou Bowker services at Stetson & Post Fire 553 5. J.H. Stagg services at Stetson & Post Fire 554 6. Chas Goodwin services at Stetson & Post Fire 555 10. R. Swyney services at Stetson & Post Fire 556 6.50 J.M. Sutton services hauling hose carts & hose 557 1. R.H. Calligan services hauling buckets 558 3. Emory Williams repairing pump #1 559 3. Patsy Carrol Fwding strainer to No2's suction 560 5. Post Intelligencer Printing for board of Fire Delegates 561 2. Chronicle Pub co Printing for board of Fire Delegates 562 2. Bulletin Pub. Co Printing for board of Fire Delegates 563 2.
ordered that the claim of Chronicle Pub. Co for $1.50 be & is hereby laid on the table Ordered that the claim of Edward Kogan be & is hereby referred to the Judiciary Comtee. Ordered that the claim of Harris & Greenus by & is hereby referred to the Comtee on Public Buildings, Property & Grounds Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted entitled "A Special Ordinance appropriating money to pay auditors bills" Adopted, upon the following vote, to wit. In favor of adoption Northup, Rinehart, Snyder, Yesler & Latimer. Against adoption none. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned Attest: E. S Osborne, Clerk Approved John Leary, Mayor Be it remembered that on this the 1st day of May 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary and Councilmen B. L. Northup, Alfred Snyder, H. L. Yesler, W. G. Latimer and W. V. Rinehart Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd From the President of the Board of Fire Delegates for an appropriation of $100 00 for the Secretary of said Board for the past year. Rejected From Bittner & Theiler for the right to remove the location of their Salon business from the West side of Front Street to the East side of Front Street in the Maddock's building From Bailey Gatzert for vacating Alley in Block 787 McNaughts & Terrys 2d, additions, Referred to the Comtee on Public Buildings, Property and Grounds From C. H. S. R. R. Co. for the rebate of certain taxes assessed to the Oregon Improvement Co. Referred to Judiciary Comtee From J. F. McNaught for rebating taxes on a/c of double assessment