



Status: Indexed

Cemetary Fund
Seattle Cemetary Association deed of E Daniels to City Park Lot No 56 $16.50
Globe Printing Co records for Washelli Cem 57 60.75
Western Mill Co lumber 58 30.
Water Fund
Spring Hill Water Co Water No 21 $166.
Ordered that His HOnor the Mayor be & is hereby requested to presenet the
claims of Providence Hospital & Smith & Willand to the County Commissioners
for their action, also the claimof Providence Hospital hereto forepaid
And now in accordance with law the Council proceeds to select
the members of the Board of Registration for the term provided by
law. Whereupon an electionis held and thefollowing named persons
receiving the unanimous vote of all the Councilmen, are duly de-
clared elected as members of the Board of Registration for the term
provided by law.
First Ward R H Thomson
Second Ward David Kellogg
Third Ward Wm H Hughes
The Atty submits an ordinance entitled "An ordinance creating the Office of
Custodian of the City Powder Magazine and prescribing regulation for the
storage of Powder" After due consideration said ordinance is adopted
upon the following vote to wit In favor of adoption Northrup, Rinehart, Snyder,
Yesler & Latimer. Against same none.
2 Ordinances are submitted each being entitles "A special ordinance appropri-
ating moneyto pay audited bills" Adopted upon the following vote towit: In
favor of adoption Northrup, Rinehart, Snyder, Yesler & Latimer. Against adop=
tion none.
Ordered that the claim of the Chronicle Pub Co against the Fire Fund for
printing in the sum of $1.50 be paid
Ordered that the Council stand no adjourned
attest E S Osborne, clerk
Approved John Leary mayor

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