Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Wednesday
June 3, 1885 at 8 o'clock pm
Attest E S Osborne clerk
Approved John Leary mayor
Be it remembered that on this the 3rd day of June 1885 the Common
Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chambers pursuant to
The following officers are present towit: His Honor the Mayor John
Leary and Councilmen Geo F Frye, W A Harrington, Alfred Snyder,
E F Sox, H L Yesler, W G Latimer, W V Rinehart & S D Crockett
Thereupon the following proceedings are had.
Ordered the Communication from B L Northup resigning
his office as Counclman from the 3rd Ward & heretofore laid upon
the table, be taken up for consideration.
Ordered that the resignation of B L Northrup as Councilman from
the 3rd Ward be & is hereby accepted and the office declared vacant.
And now the Council proceeds with the examination and equalization of
the assessment Roll for the year 1885
Ordered that the following changes be made in said roll
Fred E Sander raised $364.
F H Whitworth certain real estate stricken off
The application of James W Smith for a liquor license is presented
& Referred to the License Comtee
And now the Council proceeds with the Investigation of the Articles for
its Impeachment of James H Woolery as Chief of Police
Whereupon the accused appears by his counsel J R Lewis and O Jacobs
& withdraws by leave of council his former plea of not guilty - to
said charges & interposes a Motion to quash all the articles of Im-
peachment, excepting Articles 3 and 6 thereupon after argument by
Counsel and theconsiderataion by the Common Council it is ordered
that the motion to quash be & is hereby overruled.
And now said James H Woolery by his counsel plead not guilty
ato said articles of impeachment
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