matter Referred to Street Comtee
From Geo F McConnell & Co for rebate on license money
Communications and Reports
From Sunset Telephone Co regarding Fire Department Telephone.
Referred to Board of Fire Delegtes
Fro Chief of Fire Department on Departments matters, Referred
to Board of Fire Delegates
From Justic Hill showing Police Business for 11 months Ordered
From the Attorney on the claim of A M Jonassen. Report adopted
claim rejected.
From the Atty on the petition of James Dougan for cancelling tax
title to lots 9&12 Blk 66 of A A Denny's platReprot adopted
Committe Reports
The Sewer Comtee returning without action the ordinance to regulate
connections with Sewer. Laid on the table.
Applications for Licenses Referred
Thomas & Morgan, James Miles, Chas G Steinwey, E J Powers & Co
Bittner & Theiler, Abraham Brugger, John McCary, Chas F O'Hara
Thos Clancy, L V Schnyder & Jospeh Francisco
Licenses ORdered Issued
M K Gottstein for wholesale Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from June 17
The vote on granting said license is as follows. In favor of the same
Frye, Sox, Yesler, Latimer, Rinehart, Crockett, Graham Against
same none.
Claims Paid
J D Lowman Treasurer No 1160 $150.
Cedar River Coal Co Coal 1161 $4.
Geo F McConnell & CoLicense money refunded1162 $31.15
Road Fund
Seattle HArdware Co Hardware No 1008 $6.70
Western Mill Co Lumber 1009 5.44
Gas Fund
J Schram & Co Repairs etc. No 120 $24.15
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