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Cemetary Fund
N E Ryther Contract Work City PArk No 61 $75.
The Atty submits an Ordinance entitled 'An Ordinance
ing the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Seattle to execute a certain deed"
after due consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the
following vote To wit: In favor of adoption [Frye]], Rinehart, Snyder,
Sox, Yesler, Latimer, Crockett & Graham. Against the same none.
An Ordinance is submitted entitled 'A Special Ordinance appro-
priating money to pay audited bills" Adopted upon the following
vote To wit: In favor of adoption [Frye]], Rinehart, Snyder, Sox,
Yesler, Latimer, Crockett & Graham. Aganist the same none.
The Atty submits an Ordinance entitled 'An Ordinance prov-iding for a division between the City Fund and the Road Fund" after due con-
sideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote To wit:
In favor of adoption [Frye]], Rinehart, Snyder,Sox, Yesler, Latimer,
Crockett & Graham. Against the same none.
The Atty submits an Ordinance entitled 'An Ordinance to amend
Sections 5,10, 11 and 12 of Ordinance No 246 and to repeal Ordi-
nance No 577 and No 580" after due consideration said Ordinance
is adopted upon the following vote To wit: In favor of adoption [Frye]],
Rinehart, Snyder,Sox, Yesler, Latimer, Crockett & Graham. Against
the same none.
The Atty submits an Ordinance entitled 'An Ordinance authoriz-
ing the transfer of certain money from the general City Fund
to the Road Fund and the Fire Fund of the City of Seattle"
due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following
vote To wit: In favor of adoption [Frye]], Rinehart, Snyder,Sox, Yesler,
Latimer, Crockett & Graham. Against the same none.
Ordered that the Council Stand now adjourned
Attest: E S Osborne clerk
Approved John Leary mayor

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