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660 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Cochran & RobbPainting buckets of H & L Co 628 $7.50 Fred Bories Belts and Cups for H & L Co 629 16. Water Fund Spring Hill Water Works Water no 23 166. Spring Hill Water Works Water 24 166. Miscellaneous Ordered that the Street Commissioner be and he is hereby instructed to make certain repairs and extensions to sewer from Sisters Academy. Ordered that the claim of L D Carrol be and is hereby referred to the Police Committee ordered that the matter of a sewer in Front Street be and is hereby referred to the Sewer Committee. Ordinances The Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to Vacate a Certain Alley" after due consideration siad ordinance is adopted uponthe following vote to wit: In favor of adoption, Frye, Harrington, Rinehart, Snyder Yesler, Crockett & Graham against adoption none. An Ordinance is submitted entitled "A Special Ordinance for Appropriating Money to pay Audited Bills" adopted adopted upon the following vote to wit:In favor of adoption, Frye, Harrington, Rinehart, Snyder,Yesler, Crockett & Graham against adoption none. Ordered that the Council now stand adjourned. Attest: E S Osborne clerk Approved John Leary mayor Be tiremembered that on this the 17th day of July 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to the law. The following Officers are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor John Leary & Councilmen Geo F Frye, W A Harrington, Alfred Snyder H L Yesler, W G Latimer,S D Crockett, Walter Graham & W V Rinehart.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


661 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd From Bailey Gatzert for a gas lomp corner Pine & 2nd Streets. Referred to the gas comtee Reports From Atty submitting a report onOrdinance exempting Lots 5 & 6 in Block 28 of Maynards plat from future assessments, Committee Reports From Street Committee recommending tht the petitionof James Park et al for a sidewalk in Mill Street be referred to the new Council. Adopted From Street Comtee recommending that the petitionof Geo Probst et al for opening Mill Street be referred tothe noew Council adopted From Street Comtee approving the plat entitled "Public Benefit Supplemental Plat of Blocks 10,11,& 12 also Lots 2,3,4,5 & 6 Block 9 Yesler's & McGilvra's Addition to the City of Seattle" report adopted & Plat approved Application for Licenses Referred Geo Meister, Chas F O'HAra, John Stifter, McMaster & Garrard, Anderson & Jacobson & Frank P Heman Licenses Ordered Issued Ordered that licenses be issued as follows to wit: Grubb & Johnson for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Aug 1, 1885 H Kersey for Retail Malt liquors for 3 months from July 12 Shaw & Alger for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from July 9 Bersch & Hink for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Aug 1 O P Dahlquist for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from July 23 Wm Grose for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Aug 1 Schoepp & Gallnagle for Retail Malt liquors for 3 months from July 27 Ocsan A Kraus for Retail Malt liquors for 3 months from July 8 Lewis Silver for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Aug 7 A E Wayne for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from July 1 James Murphy for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from Aug 4 Wolters & Co for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from July 29 Peters & Lumm for Retail Intoxicating liquors for 3 months from July 26

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


662 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE The vote granting said licenses is as follows. In favor of the same Frye, Harrington, Rinehart, Snyder, Yesler, Latimer, Crockett & Graham Against the same none. Claims Paid E S Osborne Registrar No 118 $164.20 David KelloggMember Board of Registration 1190 15. R H Thomson Member Board of Registration 1191 15. Wm H Hughes Member Board of Registration 1192 15. A P Spauling Officer of Election 1193 8. A Amunds Officer of Election 1194 8. Wm Morris Officer of Election 1195 8. H O Hollenbeck Officer of Election 1196 8. W F Dearborn Officer of Election 1197 8. L B Andrews Officer of Election 1198 8. O C Shorey Officer of Election 1199 8. S B Vrooman Officer of Election 1200 8. R B Partridge Officer of Election 1201 8. O P Anderson Officer of Election 1202 8. James Frankland Officer of Election 1203 8. S L McCowan Officer of Election 1204 8. Wm M Jones Officer of Election 1205 8. C L Wayland Officer of Election 1206 8. S G Benedick Officer of Election 1207 8. Chronicle Pub Co Registration Notice 1208 15. Henry Sheahan Policeman 1209 10.60 L Miller Hauling Carrion 1210 7.50 Nicholas Brown Hauling Carrion 1211 3. G Kellogg & Co paint 1212 1.75 Alfred Snyder & Co soap 1213 1. Road Fund D S Hill Labor on Streets 1030 40.50 Frank Lind Labor on Streets 1031 34.87

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


663 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jones & Hubbell Feed No 1032 $28.85 T E Jones hay 1033 15.05 J J D'Arcy & CoHarness Attachments 1034 6.10 G Kellogg & Co Feed 1035 6.25 Alfred Snyder & Co Feed 1036 .60 Ordered that the claim of R H Thompson be & is hereby rejected Gas Fund J Schram & Co. repairs to mains etc. No 123 $5.15 Fire Fund J C Kinnear Pres't Board of fire Delegates for secretaries No 630 $100. G Kellogg & Co Oil & Cleaning material 631 13.09 A Labrasche washing hose 632 3. A M Kollock washing hose 633 3. Cemetary Fund E A Thorndike For Lot in Old Cemetary no 62 $25. Mrs M A Hawthorne For Lot in Old Cemetary 63 25. Ordinances The Atty submits an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to authorize the grading of a portion of South Sixth Street, and to exempt lots 5 and 6 in Block 28 of D S Maynard's plat of the City of Seattle from future assessments for the grading of said Sixth Street" After due Consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Frye, Harrington, Rinehart, Latimer, Crockett & Graham Against the same Snyder & Yesler An Ordinance is submitted entitled "A special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills"Adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Frye, Harrington,Rinehart, Snyder, Yesler, Latimer, Crockett & Graham Against the same none Ordered that a Warrant in the sum of $100. be drawn on the Fire Fund fromthe Board of elegates, the said Board to divide said 4100. between its present & Former secretaries as it deems just. And now the Council proceeds to canvass the returns of the General Election held July 13, 1885 with the following result to wit: Fifth Ward

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


664 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE First Ward Total number of votes cast 463 For Mayor H L Yesler Received 394 votes John Leary Received 65 votes For Chief of Police John Woolery Received 376 votes H G Thornton Received 84 votes For City Attorney C H Hanford Received 443 votes T H Cann Received 1 vote J B Metcalf Received 5 votes For Assessor Wm H Hughes Received 458 votes For Councilman for the term of 2 years John Keenen Received 348 votes A P Spaulding Received 93 votes For Councilmen for the term of 1 year G W Young Received 365 votes Wm A Harrington Received 370 votes R H Calligan Received 11 votes J J Post Received 11 votes Chas McDonald Received 11 votes U M Rasin Received 1 vote L B Andrews Received 1 vote Second Ward Total number of votes cast 972 For Mayor H L Yesler Received 632 votes John Leary Received 330 votes scattering Received 1 vote For Chief of Police John Woolery Received 595 votes H G Thornton Received 371 votes scattering Received 2 votes For City Attorney C H Hanford Received 902 votes Wa Chong Received 12 votes scattering Received 13 votes For Assessor Wm H Hughes Received 956 votes scattering Received 3 votes For Councilman for the term of 2 years R H Calligan Received 634 votes

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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