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676 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Ordered that the Bill of T R Reed for Labor onStreets be and the same is hereby rejected Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted entitled "A special ordinance appropriating money for pay audited bills" Adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Keenen, Young, Calligan Furth, Hall and Lake Against none Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned Attest: W R Forrest clerk Approved H L Yesler mayor Aug 21 1885 Be it remembered that on this the 21st day of August 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor H L Yesler and councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, W A Harrington, Geo W Hall, Gus Keenen,S W Lake Chas McDonald & G W Young Thereupon the following proceedings were had; Petitions Received Petition of H H Pease et al for a sidewalk North side of Spring St between 3rd & 4th Sts. Referred to St. Com. Petition of Samantha Barton for damages occasioned by the James St grade. Referred to Judiciary Com. & Com on Sewers & Drainage Petition of L Typhert et al praying that a license for sale of malt liquors be granted R Pritchard received and on motion laid on the table. Petition of Fred Voight et al for Gas Lights Corner James & 6th & James & 5th Sts received & referred to Committee on Gas Lights Petition of Chas Baker et al for policeman in North Seattle. Referred to Committee on Health & Police Petition of O J Yates praying for settlement of James & 5th Sts received & referred to Committee on Gas Lights Petition of Chas Baker et al for policeman in North Seattle. Referred to Committee on Health & Police Petition of O J Yates praying for settlement of his grade tax was received and statements of Councilman Furth & City Atty Hanford heard in explanations thereof, After due consideration it is

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


677 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE AUG 21 1885 Ordered that the Treasurer receive from said O J Yatesthe sum of $168.00 in full settlement of his grade tax. A communication was received from the City Surveyor recommending the esteblishing of permanent Government Corners within the City Limits. Referred to Com on Streets Also a communication from the City Surveyor recommending that the Claims of T J Milner, J G Scurry and F H Whitworth for services in examining the slide on the block in which M McNaught's property is located be paid. Report adopted and claims ordered paid. Report of Park Commissioners D T Denny & J B Metcalf, recommending that the second installment of $75. be paid to the Contrctor N E Ryther received , read and adopted and the Clerk directed to issue a warrant on the cemetary fund, to said Ryther in accordance therewith Report of the Committee of Fire Delegates recommending the purchase of a 1000 pound, No 1 bell metal fire alarm bell for Engine No 2 and accompanyied by the following bids to wit: W A Bowers of the Gutta Percha & Rubber Manufacturing Co agreeing to furnish such bell delivered on the wharf in Seattle for 33 cents pr pound. A F Anderson of San Franciso agreeing to furnish such bell for the sum of 34 cents per pound delivered on the wharf at Seattle J Schram & Co of Seattle agreeing to deliver suchbell on the wharf at Seattle with the necessary fixtures for hanging the same for the sum of $300.00 Orderd that the bid of J Schram & Co be accepted The final report of G A Weed retiring health officer for the past two months rec'd approved and ordered filed.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


678 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 23 1885 Report of Health Officer J S M Smart making certain recommendation received, referred to Committee in Sewers & Drainage and to City Surveyor Report and Inventory of Chief of the Fire Department rec'd and read. Referred to Committee on Fire & Water. Com Reports received Street Committee recommending that the petition of S J Hoskinson for the privilege of constructing in Fourth St at its intersection with Pontius St a tank at such a depth under ground that it will not interfere with the grade of said Fourth Street and also of laying water pipe in said Fourth Street from said tank to his premises in Block 21 be granted. Adopted. From Street Comtee recommending that thepetitionof A S Miller fro the construction of a crossing at the Corner of 3rd & Madison Sts be granted. adopted From Street Comtee recommending the opening of Olive St from 10th to the Alley between 11th & 12th Sts as asked for by P W Clymer et al, Report adopted. Form Committee on Fire & Water recommending that the petition of P E Smith for compensation for care of Hook & Ladder truck be granted to the amount of $30.00 report adopted Ordered that the Clerk draw a warrant on the Fire Fund in favor of said P E Smith for the sum of $30.00 From Committee on Fire & Water recommending that a fire alarm bell and two ladders be purchased for Engine Co No 3 Lake Union, Report adopted Ordered that the purchasing agent be and he is hereby instructed to purchase six cots for Engine Co No 2 From Judiciary committee granting the petition of P J Primrose Report adopted and petition referred to City Attorney The Committee on Sewers & Drainage make a verbal report on the petition of James Pollock for a sewer on Jackson St. Petition re-referred to the Committee with instruction to make a written report.

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


679 COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 23 1885 Application of Thos Ross for a license was granted upon the following vote In favor of granting such license Calligan, Furth, Harrington, Hall, Keenen, Lake, McDonald, Young Against none Applications Referred Julius W Smith, Vitus Schmid, A F Hill, Schwabacher Bros & Co Gumbert & McKinon, Chas F McConnell, Geo M Perkins, Andrew Storah, Morgan & Lawence, John Levy, Jacob Boegli, Ernst Romey On Motion of J Furth the petition and bond of Richard Pritcherd heretofore laid over was taken from the table an on motion the application of the said Richard Pritchard for a licanse to sell Liquor at the Lake View House [East end of Jackson St]] was refused by the following vote Against issuing the same Calligan, Furth, Hall Lake and McDonald In favor of issuance Harrington,Keenen, Young Bills allowed the following claims haveing been duly audited by the Council and ordered paid by warrants drawn on the funds in the following amounts viz: E S Osborne City 41.66 E S Osborne City 37.90 G L Manning City 31.50 D L McCowan City 18.65 O D Butterfield City 00.00 G W Hapgood City 5.00 Wm Morris City 2.50 A H Manning City 2.50 O D Butterfield City 5.00 J C Helmes City 2.50 J W Hunter City 2.50 G W Hapgood City 2.50 J R Davis City 2.50 J L McClellan City 2.50 162.21

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


680 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 23 1885 Name Fund T R Reed Road 1067 Services $27.50 J J Melim Road 1068 Services 10.00 J G Scurry Road 1069 Services 27.50 F H Whitworth Road 1070 Services 27.50 R H Thompson Road 1071 Services 8 65.56 Washington Iron Works Lamp Posts 52.80 Seattle Gas Light Co Gas 338.80 James H May Lamp Lighter 54.40 A L Brasch Removing rubbish 4.00 P E Smith Care of H & L Truck 30.00 see Rept Fire Com Spring Hill Water co Water 52.80 N E Ryther Clearing Park 7.50 Part of Contract Price Ordered that the claims of Dr H M Hall, A Labrache, E R Clark, be and the same are hereby rejected Bills Referred The following A Labrache 2 bills G Kellogg & Co 3 bills A M Kullock, M R Wiggin, J Schram & Co T H Hackett Miscellaneous The resignation of A B Merrill as custodian of the Powder House was received and accepted. Ordered that the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to to notify the Seattle Lumber & Com'l Company]] of the expiration of their lease of the wharf at the foot ofColumbia Street Ordered that the Clerk be instructed to call for bids for lighting the Public Streets for the care of Lamp posts & lighting the Street lamps, for City Printing for furnishing lumber and other supplies to the City as the present contracts expire. Election of Custodian of Powder Houses And now the Council proceeds to elect a custodian of the powde. Councilman R H Calligan nominates Robert Russell no other nominations being made, the nominations close and the clerk instructed to cast the ballott of the Council of said Robert Russell who is thereupon declared elected to the office of Custodian of the Powder House

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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