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2 revisions | StephanieJoWebb at Feb 18, 2021 10:35 PM SEACPM18850821_Page_5680
Aug 23 1885
Name Fund
[[T R Reed]] Road 1067 Services $27.50
[[J J Melim]] Road 1068 Services 10.00
[[J G Scurry]] Road 1069 Services 27.50
[[F H Whitworth]] Road 1070 Services 27.50
[[R H Thompson]] Road 1071 Services 8 65.56
[[Washington Iron Works]] Lamp Posts 52.80
[[Seattle Gas Light Co]] Gas 338.80
[[James H May]] Lamp Lighter 54.40
[[A L Brasch]] Removing rubbish 4.00
[[P E Smith]] Care of H & L Truck 30.00
see Rept Fire Com
[[Spring Hill Water co]] Water 52.80
[[N E Ryther]] Clearing Park 7.50
Part of Contract Price
Ordered that the claims of Dr [[H M Hall]], [[A Labrache]],
[[E R Clark]], be and the same are hereby rejected
Bills Referred
The following [[A Labrache]] 2 bills [[G Kellogg & Co]] 3 bills [[A M Kullock]],
[[M R Wiggin]], [[J Schram & Co]] [[T H Hackett]]
The resignation of [[A B Merrill]] as custodian of the Powder
House was received and accepted.
Ordered that the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to
to notify the Seattle Lumber & Com'l Company]] of the expiration
of their lease of the wharf at the foot of[[Columbia Street]]
Ordered that the Clerk be instructed to call for bids
for lighting the Public Streets for the care of Lamp
posts & lighting the Street lamps, for City Printing for
furnishing lumber and other supplies to the City as
the present contracts expire.
Election of Custodian of Powder Houses
And now the Council proceeds to elect a custodian
the powde. Councilman [[R H Calligan]] nominates [[Robert Russell]]
no other nominations being made, the nominations close
and the clerk instructed to cast the ballott of the
Council of said [[Robert Russell]] who is thereupon
declared elected to the office of Custodian of the Powder House
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