Sep 4 1885
Bids for lighting and cleaning Gas LAmps referred to Com-
mittee on Gas Lights
Custodian Powder House
It appearing that a vacancy exists in the office of
Custodian fo the Powder House by reason of Robert
Russell failing to qualify as required by law; the Council
now proceeds to file such vacancy by Electing Ed L
Lindsley Custodian of the Powder house be unanimous
vote, no other nominations being made.
Ordered That the Finance committee be and it is hereby
authorized and instructed to employ an assistant to
aid the Clerk in examining and balancing the books and
accounts of the Clerk and City Treasurer.
The City Attorney now submits an Ordinance entitled "An
ordinance authorizing the mayor and Clerk of the City
of Seattle to execute and deliver a certain deed" which
after due consideration by the Council is adopted by
the following vote; In favor of said ordinances J Furth
R Calligan, Geo W Hall, John Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald
and G W Young, against none.
An Ordinance is submitted entitled"A special ordi-
nance appropriating money to pay Audited Bills"
which after being duly considered is adopted by the
following vote viz: in favor of said ordinance R Calligan, J Furth, Geo W Hall, John Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald
and G W Young, against none.
Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned
W A Forrest Clerk
H L Yesler mayor
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