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686 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 18 1885 Be it remembered taht on this the 18th day of September A D 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council chamber pursuant to law. the following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor Henry L Yesler & Councilmen R H Calligan, Jacob Furth, Geo W Hall, W A Harrington, John Keenen, T W Lake Chas McDonald and G W Young Where the following proceedings were had to wit: Petitions Petitions of John Collins et al praying that James Street be planked from its intersection withFront Street to Second Street; On motion of Councilman Furth the Clerk is instructed to insert Cherry Street also. and the petitionreferred to the Committee on Streets. Petition of W H Bow et al praying for a bridge on Lincoln Street North of Sixth Street. Rederred to Committee on Streets Petition of Fred Gasch et al for a sewer from Washington Street sewer through South 5th St to Mill St with necessary branches. Referred to Committee on Sewers & Drainage Petition of W C Hawthorne et al praying for Gas Lamps Corner of Madison and 5th, Madison and 6th and Madison and 7th. Referrd to Committee on Gas Lights Communication from D E Blaine offering to deliver lumber to the City in accordance with bid of E F Blaine guaranteeing that the hauling should not cost more there from any other Mill received and read, and on motion of Councilman Furth laid on the table. Communications from Allmond and Phillips offering to re-cast broken bell on tower of Engine House No 2 rec'd and read and referred to Committee of Fire and Water with authority to contract.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


687 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 18 185 Reports From Park Commissioners reporting contract of N N E Ryther for cleaning and grubbing finished ingood order and recommending that the balance due the contractor to wit: the sum of $124. be paid. Report adopted and the clerk authorized to draw a warrant on the Cemetary Fund in favor of said N E Ryther for the sum of $124.00 Fromfinance Committee recommending that the Bid of [Stetson adn {pst]] for furnishing Lumber for City purposes for the ensuing year t the rate of $8.25 pr [thousand board feet] be accepted: Also that the paid of W H Pumphrey & Co for furnishing the City Stationary etc. for the ensuing year be accepted: Also that the bid of the Chronicle Publishing Company for doing the City Printing for the ensuing year be accepted. Report adopted and the Clerk authorized to enter into the necessary contracts with said bidders. From Committee on Gas Lights recommending that the bid of The Seattle Gas Lights Co for furnishing posts lamps etc. & & keeping the same in repair be accepted; also that the bid of W F Glick & Co for lighting, cleaning , and extinguishing the street lamps be accepted. Report adopted and the clerk authorized to make the necessary contracts. From Committee onHealth and Police recommending that the petition of Chas Baker et al for a Police officer at North Seattle be not granted. Report adopted from Judiciary Committees approving reports ofthe City Attorney, City Jailor, City Justice G A Hill & Justice of the Peace Geo G Lyon Report of Committee adopted & said reports ordered filed.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


688 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 18 1885 From Committee on Fire and Water recommending that Mme Lachenal be granted permission to conduct a Laundry at the foot of Commercial St Report adopted From Committee on Fire & Waater recommending First: That 7 fire plugs be put in at Belltown at points to be selected by the Chiefof the fire Department and the Committee on Fire and Water. Second: that after that portion of the City is supplied with water one of the new Hose carts with apparatus be turned over to the Engine Co No 4 Third: That the purchase of a New Fire Engine for Engine Co. No 4 and also the Truck for Seattle No 1 should be deferred for the present. Fourth: That the Engine house of Engine Co No 3 be made comfortable by battening the sides, ceiling and lining the inside and the purchase of a stove; and suitable lamps be supplied them Fifth: that the establishing of a Telephone system for our fire department is not necessary at present as our City is not large, enough to require such a system nor our finances in such a condition as to justify such expense. Sixth: That we have contacted the Chief Engineer regarding Engine No 1 and requested him to examine same and report to your Hon Body. Report Adopted. Application for Licenses Referred Jacob Haist, oliver Bernard, E J Powers & Co , M K Gottstein Ernie Davidson, A E Wayne, Benj Murphy, John Collins Joseph Francisco, L V Schnyder, M S Booth, Patrick Flynn, Oscar A Kraus, Frank Wilton, Otto Fuhrmann and E D Norton. Licenses Ordered Issued M McDonald Retail Malt 3 months from Sept 8 1885 John Brannan Retail Malt 3 months from Sept 3rd 1885 S & S Meyer Retail Intox 3 months from Sept 16th 1885

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


689 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 18 1885 Cowles and Foster Intox 3 months from Aug 12\85 Thomas H Smith Retail Intox 3 months from Sept 10\85 The vote of granting said licenses is as follows, viz: In favor of granting same. R H CAlligan, J Furth, G W Hall, W A HArrington, Jno Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald and G W Young Claims Allowed The following claims having been audited by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the funds in the following amounts viz: Post Intelligencer 1269 City 11.20 Publishing notices L Van Doren 1270 City 2.20 Constable fees D L McClellan 1271 City 2.50 Salary Special Policeman Sunset Telephone Co 1272 City 5.90 Telephone Month [?] J H McGraw 1273 City 65.70 Sheriff's fees G A Hill 1274 City 26.15 Justice fees Lowman & Hanford 1275 City 11.00 Printing etc Geo G Lyon 1276 City 2.30 Justice fees Wm F McNatt 1080 City 2.00 Pasturing City Horse Harrington & Smith 1081 City 23.01 Supplies Stetson & Post 1082 City 47.22 Lumber J A McBeath 1083 City 2.60 Horse Shoeing Jones & Hubble 1084 City 16.90 Feed R H Calligan 1085 City 3.00 Hauling Lumber T H Staskett 1086 City 6.81 Hay J Schram & Co 128 City 12.25 Supplies & Labor Seattle Gas Light 129 City 353.70 Gas James H May 130 City 59.52 Lighting Lamps etc W J Pellman & Co 648 Fire 42.60 Bids etc for No 2 Washington Iron Works649 Fire 4.25 Grate Bars for Engine Seattle Iron Works 650 Fire 4.20 Repairing Hydrant Wm Clark 651 Fire 3.00 Washing Hose Schwabacher Bros & Co 652 Fire 1.44 Rope for No 1 Spring Hill Water Co 27 Fire 166.00 Water Mo of Aug McKeon & Young 28 Fire 4.85 repairing pipe in Jail W E Ryther 124 Fire 124.00 Contract Grubbing Park

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


690 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 18 1885 Miscellaneous Ordered that the Committee on Sewers and Drainage be and they are hereby directed to obtain plans and specification for a Sewer on Union Street and report to the council Ordered that the Committee on Pubic Grounds and buildings be instructed to examine and report in the condition of the stable where the City horses are kept On motion of Councilman Hall ordered that the matter of the extension of Rollin Street be made the special order for the next regular meeting of the Council Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted entitles "A special ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" which after being duly considered by the Council is approved by the following vote viz: In favor of said ordinance R H Calligan, J Furth, G W Hall, W A Harrington, Jno Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald and G W Young. against none Ordered that the council do now adjourn Attest W R Forrest clerk H L Yesler mayor Oct 2 185 Be it remembered that on this the 2nd day of October 1885 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law: the following officers are present to wit: His Honor the mayor Henry L Yesler and councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, Geo W Hall, W A Harrington, John Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald and G W Young. The following proceedings were had, to wit: Petition and Communications Petitionf of [Sarah J Plummer]] et al for a crossing on Washington Street North line of South 2nd St. Referred to Steet Com

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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