



Status: Page Status Indexed

Oct 2 1885
Petition of Thomas S Sloan et al to open and extend
North Seventh Street from Blanchard to Battery Streets
Referred to Com on Streets
Petition of [Ernest J La?] for removal of obstruction from
Jefferson Street Referred to Street Committee
Petition of W J Bryant for use of Spring Street be-
tween the alley and the railroad for purpose of handling
coal. Referred to Street Committee
Petition of W H Hughes et al for police officer to be stationed
at Belltown. Referred to Street Committee
Communication from Harbor Master asking for further
time to report: granted
Communication from Chief of Police requesting that
C T Lowden be appointed a special Police officer to serve
without compensation from the City. Granted
From the Justice of the Peace Geo G Lyon. Referred to Judiciary Com.
From City Justice G A Hill. Referred to Judiciary Com.
From Jailor & Janitor. Referred to Judiciary Com.
From the Chief of Police. Referred to Judiciary Com.
From Custodian Powder House. Received and ordered filed
From City Surveyor recommending that "Public Benefit
Supplemental Plat" be not approved. Adopted
From Park Commissioner recommending certain improvements
Referred to Com on Public Buildings & Grounds
From Street Committee recommending that Cherry Street be
planked form the East side of Front Street to the West side
of Third Street; and James Street from the East side of
Front Street to the West Side of Second Street; and Jackson
from the East of the Bridge to East Side of sixth St
all to be planked twenty four (24) feet wide.
That Washington and Main Streets from the West side of
Commercial Street to the planking East of the alley
16 feet in width; the North side of Main Street from
the West side of Commercial Street to the planking

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