Nov 20 1885
To openand maintain a laundry on the north side of
Main Street between Second and Third St]]s. Referred to Committee
on Fire and Water
Petition of Sarah J Plummer et al for planking Second
St from Main St South to the C & P S R R has depot and
Jackson Street from Commercial St East to or near
Third Street. Referred to Committee on Streets
Petition on Western Mill Co et al for the apointment of an
appraisor on the part of the City ot appraise damages
to property condemned by Ordinance No 660 along the line
of Rollin Street etension. Read and motion laid on the table.
Plat of Fairview Homestead Association presented for
approval by F E Sander Referred to City Surveyor.
Reports Received
From Judiciary Committee recommending the adoption of
the Ordinance heretofore submitted entitled "An Ordinance
granting the right to erect poles and stretch wires thereon
for Electric purposes" provided that the parties presenting
the same pay for publication of Ordinance. Adopted
From same Committee approving reports of City Justice Hill
Justice of the Peace Geo G Lyon and the City Jailor for month
of October. Adopted and said reports ordered rec'd and filed.
From the Finance Committee recommending that the
sum of $13.50 be referred to P Fitzgerald on account ot
erroneus valuation and taxation of Block 3 in Mercers
Addition for the year 1884. Report adopted and the Clerk
authorized to draw a warrant on the City fund in favor
of said P Fitzgerald for said sum of $13.50
From Street committee recommending that the petition of Melody
Choir et al for opening Will & Filbert Streets be granted. adopted
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