



Status: Indexed

Dec 4 1885
Be it remembered that on this 4th day of December 1885
the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets inits
Council Chamber pursuant to law: The following officers
are present, to wit: His honor the Mayor Henry L Yesler
and Councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, Geo W Hall
W A Harrington, John Keenen, T W Lake, Chas McDonald
J J post andG W Young. Where the following proceedings
are had to wit:
Petition of H Schodicet al to open Leonora Street from
Seventh St to 12th St Referred to Com on Streets
Petition of A MacKintosh et al for Street Lamp
Corner of Third and University Streets Referred to
Committee on Gas Lights.
Petition of J A Hatfield et al praying for two additional
street lights on Gislers Wharf. Referred to Com on Gas Lights
Petition of J M Frink et al to change the planking
ordered laid on South Second St and Jackson St from 16 ft
in width to 24 ft in width and place the same in the
middle of the St. Rec'd & read & on motion laid on the table.
Petition of R McGilvery for permission to establish a
white Laundry on North side of Washington Street between
2nd & 3rd streets. Granted upon condition that the
premises be fitted up under the directionof the Chief
of the Fire Dept.
Petition of Wm Cochrane et al praying the Council to so
amend the license ordinances as to prohibit the peddling
of vegetables by any person other that American Citi-
zens; Also that an ordinance be passed prohibiting
any person from maintaining a laundry without a

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