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Jan 15 1886
Petition of Mr. L. Wright et als praying that a temporary
sidewalk be constructed on the east side of Seventh St.
from the Belltown School House to the Sixth St. School
, read and referred to the Street Committee.
Petition of R. Russell praying that the license of team-
sters be made payable yearly in advance instead of
quarterly as at present. Read and referred to Committee on License and Revenue.
Petition of the Seattle Lumber and Commercial Co. praying
for a renewal of the lease of the wharf at the foot of
Madison St. Read and referred to Committee on Streets.
Communicaiton from D. T. Denny and Louisa Denny in the
matter of the opening of Box Street setting forth that if
said st was opened as petitioned for it would pass through
unplatted land belonging tot them: read and on motion tabled.
Reports Received
From Chief of the Fire Department enclosing communi-
cation from the Seattle Iron Works offering to furnish
seven fire pumps of the same design as those now
in use by the City for the sum o $45.00 each.
Referred to Committee on Fire and Water.
From Custodian of Powder House for month of
December. Read and approved and ordered filed.
Report of City Treasurer for month of December. Also
semi annual report Recd read and referred to Finance com.
Committee Reports Received
From Committee on Health and Police reporting upon petition of
M. Korn et als - that in the opinion the present police force is
sufficient in number: Regarding the allowance of $60 to each
regular policeman we beliee such allowance coul only be viewed

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