Journal of the Proceedings of the
Feb 17 1886
Office of the Mayor
Seattle W T February 17th 1886,
A special meeting of the Common Council of the
city of Seattle is hereby called to be held at the
council chamber at the hour of seven o'clock
P.M. on Thursday the 18th day of February 1886 for
the transaction of such business as may legally
come before it
H L Yesler
Feb 18 1886
Be it remembered that on this 18th day of February 1886
the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in
its council chamber pursuant to the cll of the mayor
there being present his Honor the Mayor Henry L
Yesler, and Councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, G W. Hall
W. A.Harrington, John Keenen; T. W. Lake, Chas McDonald,
J. J. Post and G W Young;
when the following proceedings were had, to wit:
An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney
entitled "An Ordinance relating to the Police Force and
defining the powers and duties and fiscally the Com-
pensation of certain officers of the Police Department"
which after consideration by the council is adopted
by the following vote: In favor of the same, R H Calligan,
J Furth, G W. Hall, W. A.Harrington, John Keenen; T. W. Lake, Chas
McDonald, J. J. Post and G W Young, against none.
Police Officers
On motion of councilman Furth the following named
persons are nominated as police officers of the City
of Seattle and elected by a unanimous vote of the Council
Viz: Police Inspector A. E. Alden
Police Officers, W H DeWolf, J Paul Lange, Peter Frissell,
W M Morse, Neil Henly, C M Anderson, Saul P Short, W M
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