Mar 5 1886
Petition of Baxter Brothers for permissionto conduct a
public laundry, with proper certificates from the Chief of the
Fire Dept and from Health Officer attached, is read
and on motion granted.
Petition of George Williams for permission to conduct
a public laundry, with proper certificates from the Chief of the
Fire Dept and from Health Officer attached, is read
and on motion granted.
Petition of R McGilvery for permission to conduct a public
laundry, with proper certificates from the Chief of the
Fire Dept and from Health Officer attached, is read and
on motion granted.
Petition of Wing Lee for permission to conduct a public
laundry, with proper certificates from the Chief of the
Fire Dept and from Health Officer attached, is read.
moved by Councilman Furth that the petition be granted,
which motion is lost by the following vote; in favor of
said motion Councilmen Furth, Harrington and Post
against said motion, Councilmen Calligan, Hall, Lake,
McDonald and Young.
Petition of Gee Lee for permission to conduct a public
laundry, with proper certificates from the Chief of the
Fire Dept and from Health Officer attached, is read.
moved by Councilman Furth that the petition be granted,
which motion is lost by the following vote; in favor of
said motion Councilmen Furth, Harrington and Post
against said motion, Councilmen Calligan, Hall, Lake,
McDonald and Young.
Petition of U Lee for permission to conduct a public
laundry, with proper certificates from the Chief of the
Fire Dept and from Health Officer attached, is read and
onmotionlaid over until next meeting.
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