780 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 2 1886 the liquor licenses in the City of Seattle but gives way to a motion to make the question a special order for the next meeting and that the City Attorney be instructed to present a license ordinance with blanks for the amounts, which motionis carried. Clerk submits an ordinance entitled "A special ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" which is adopted by the folowing vote, in favor of the adoption thereof Councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, G W Hall, T W Lake Chas McDonald, J J Post and G W Young On motion the council does now adjourn Attest W R Forrest clerk by E Shepard deputy H L Yesler mayor Apr 16 1886 Be it remembered that on this the sixteenth day of April A D 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law, the following officers being present to wit: Mayor H L Yesler and Councilmen R H Calligan J Furth, G W Hall, Chas McDonald, J J Post and G W Young thereupon the following proceedings are had The record of the proceeding of the previous session is read and approved. The following petition are received From F W Sander for permission to repiar wooden
781 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 16 1886 building on motion the petition is granted Fro M Hays for refunding of taxes paid by mistake referred to Finance Commitee From T H Dempsey et al for opening of Williamson Street from Madison to Eades referred to Street Commitee From Mauer and Steinle et al for extension of liquor licenses of 15 day o a/c of closing during martial law referred to License Committee From M Bailey et al for drainage of pond on 3d Street between Leonora & Blanchard referred to Sewer Committee From W C T U praying that Mrs F N Ledger be allowed to peddle articled of her own manufacture without paying a license on motion referred to License Committee Moved that the Council reconsider its action in referred petition of W C T U to the license committee lost by the following vote to wit: in favor thereof Councilmen J Furth and G W Hall; against Councilmen R H Calligan, C McDonald J J Post and G W Young On motion the License committee is empowered to act in the matter of petition of W C T U From W G Curtis et al protesting against the Grading of 4th st fromBattery to Virginia, on motion the petition is laid on the table The following reports are received From His Honor the Mayor, that charges of conduct unbecoming an officer having been preferred against Capt.
782 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 16 1886 W B Jackling, he had suspended said Jackling from the police force by that the charges had not been sustained and recommending that he be reinstated On motion W B Jackling is reinstated as Captain of Police From City Clerk of Jackson St Extension fund ord #396 referred to Finance Committee From Committee on Health and Police on petition of E J Ross for abatement of nuisance on Block 12 Denny's Addition, that they found no nuisance and recommending that the petition not be granted on motion the reported is adopted from Sewer Committee on report of Health officer in matter of Drainage of Mercer St, recommending that a drain be put in on motion the report is adopted From Sewer Committee in petition of H G Struve et al recommending that a woodern sewer be put in Second St from the north side of Stewart Street to connect with sewer in Pike Street, on motion the report is adopted From City Attorney in matter of drainage of pond at Corner of Main & S 4th Sts recommending that council consider the question of lowering the culvert across Main St at S 4th St On motion the Street Commissioner is directed to lower said culvert so as to drain the pond. [?] From Finance Committe on petitionof Schwabacher Bros & Co recommending that warrantes onJackson St sidewalk fund Ord #335 be called in and warrants
783 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 16 1886 on road fund be issued in lieu and that the Treasurer return to Clerk the assessment roll under said ordinance #335 and receive credit thereupopn on motion the report is adopted Proposal of G G Teschman for building cistern is read On motion the bod is rejected and the Chairman of Fire and Water Committee is instructed to have the cistern built the following petition for liquor licenses are received and referred to Committee on Licenses Margaret O'Shea, H Foster, H Haggenmaker & Co, A Wolff, G C Delfel, Grubb & Johnson, J Murphy, Mauer & Steinle J Shepich, Harms & Peters The following petitionfor liquor licenses having been approved by the License Committee are granted T Clancy R I 3 months from April 16th A Lunn R I 3 months from April 26 O L Dahlquist R I 3 months from April 23 Curtis & Grant R I 3 months from April 23 Bersch & Hink R I 3 months from May 1 Shaw & Alger R I 3 months from April 9 Wm Gross R I 3 months from May 1 Thompson & Nelson M I 3 months from April 28 Henry Kersey M I 3 months from April 12 Otto Fuhrman M I 3 months from April 16th The Vote on the foregoing petitions being as follows in favor of the granting thereof R H Calligan J Furth, G W Hall, Chas McDonald, J J Post and G W Young; against none. The Claim of Black Diamond Coal Co on City fund for $4. coal is allowed and warrant ordered drawn
784 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 16 1886 The Claims of F A Minick for $88.83 for services is police officer is on motion rejected The claim of D H Webster for $10.50 for expenses killing and burying dogs is on motion rejected On motion the Street Committee isinstructed to examine Bismark Street and if in their opinion necessary and advisable to cause said street to be opened On motion City Clerk W R Forrest is granted thirty days leave of absence from May 1st On motion the Health Officer is instructed to examine the cesspools on the block between Marion and Madison Streets north of the Opera House and if found to be nuisance to notify the owners of the property to abate them, and if not abated to make report to the City Atty, who is directed to commence action against the parties, also the Health officer instructed take some action Union St. On motion the matter of Madison St extension is laid on the table until next meeting. City Attorney submits an ordinance concerning liquor licenses On motion the ordinance is referred to the Committee on licenses with instruction to report Firday April 23 On motion the ordinance relating to the collection of road poll taxes is laid on the table until Councilman T W Lake be present.