



Status: Indexed

May 21 1886
The following claims having been approved by the Finance
Commitee are allowed and ordered paid by warrants
drawn on the respective funds
Name Fund #Warrant Amount Remarks
Hasbrook & Terry City 1665 .60 Medicine for prisoners
S Kenny City 1666 20.13 Police Buttons
Neuman & Argens City 1667 2.00 Keys
Schwabacher Bros & Co City 1668 1.75 Crepe
A A Bell City 1669 2.48 Taxes refunded
Thos Cranney City 1670 2.20 Witness Fees
J H Woolery City 1671 1.50 Fare of Vagrant sent out of City
G Kellogg City 1672 4.75 Medicine for prisoners
J Murphy City 1673 122.50 on a/c of wound
T Boardman Fire 839 3.00 Washing hose
D Franklin Fire 840 3.00 Washing hose
Post Intelligencer Fire 841 2.00 Ad of Fire Elections
Times Fire 842 1.50 Ad of Fire Elections
Press Fire 843 1.50 Ad of Fire Elections
The following claims are on motion rejected
C M Anderson $6.48 for services as police officer
Providence Hospital $368.04 for care of wounded rioters
Special Police $130.00

M J Carkeek, D Kellogg, H Butler and D L McCowan are
nominated and unanimously elected and Board of Registra-
tion for the ensuing year.
On motion the Committee on Fire & Water are instructed to inves-
tigate the matter of hose supply
Clerk submits on ordinance entitled "A special ordinance appropriating
money to pay audited billl" which adopted by the following vote; in favor
thereof Councilmen R H Calligan, J Furth, G W Hall, W A Harrington, T W Lake, Chas
, J J Post and G W Young
On motion Council does now adjourn until Monday May 24th at 7:30 PM
H L Yesler mayor
Attest W R Forrest clerk by E Shepard deputy
J J Post and G W Young; against none

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