Aug 6 1886
Harbors and} T W Lake chairman
Wharves } J Furth & R Russell
Petitions Comunications etc
Petition of Peter Brunn for a position on the
PooliceForse read and ordered filed
Communication form James H Woolery Ex Chief of Police
in regard to salary for months of Jany & Feby 1886
Read and Referred to Judiciary Committee
Official Reports Rec'd
From City Treasurer Referred to Finance Com.
From City Jailor Referred to Finance Com.
From Justice Geo G Lyon Referred to Judiciary Com.
From Custodian of the Powder House Ordered filed
From City Attorney Ordered filed
From Street Commissioner Referred to St Com. & Approved
Licenses Referred
Thomas Anderson, Harms & Peters, E C Huntley,
Ernest Romey, E Champeaux, W Waugh
Bills Allowed
The following claims against the City having
been duly audited by the Council are allowed
and ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several
funds as follows, viz:
Name Warrant fund Amount Remarks
W R Forrest 1835 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk
A Chilberg 1836 City 83.33 Salary City Treasurer
L Cummings 1837 City 91.00 Salary St Commsr
J S M Smart 1838 City 75.00 Salary Health Officer
J Bogart 1839 City 60.00 Salary City Jailor
J Bogart 1839 City 134.60 Board of prisoners
Geo G Lyon 1840 City 70.90 Justice fees
Lowman & Hanford S & P 1841 City 18.20 Printing Blanks etc
A Schallstadt 1842 City 7.50 Ballott Box
Sunset Telephone Co 1843 City 5.90 Telephone for Aug
[total] 671.43
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