Nov 13 1886
Be it remembered that on this 13th day of November
1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle
meets in its council chamber pursuant to adjourn-
ment. The following officers are present: Mayor
W H Shoudy and Councilmen J Furth, J M Frink,
T D Hinckley, Robt Russell and C F Russell.
When the following proceedings were had, to wit:
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Petitions Rec'd
Petitions of Jones & Hubbell et al for Street Lights
along the Rail Road Alley from Columbia Street
to Madison Street is referred to Com on Street Lights
Petition of O N Morse et al to make all Liquor
Licenses uniform. Referred to Com. on License & Revenue
Petitionof Adam Orth for a box drain on Fourth St
next to Turn Verein building. Referred to Street Committee
with power to act at once.
Petitionof Moran Bros to to have hydrants removed
from in front of their store. Referred to Com. on Fire & Water
Petition of J W VanBrocklein et al for Street Lights
Corner of Terrace & Fifth and Terrace and Sixth Streets
Referrd to Street Light Committee.
Petition of Harrington & Smith et al to have Washington
Street leveled up from the West side of Commercial
Street to the [?] to conform to the established grade.
Referred to Street Committee
Reports Rec'd
From Custodian of the Powder House for month of
October received read and ordered filed.
From Harbor Master showing amount of wharfage due
from Jno S McAllester on brick. Referred to Committee on
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