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Nov 19 1886
Be it remembered that on this the 19th day of Nov 1886
the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in
its Council Chamber pursuant to law; the following
officers are present to wit:
His Honor the Mayor Shoudy
and councilmen Frink, Green, Hinckley and Reitze:
There not being a quorum present it is
ordered that the Council adjourn until
Friday November 26th at 7 o'clock PM
W H Shoudy mayor
Attest W R Forrest clerk
Nov 26 1886
Be it remembered that on this the 26th day of Novem-
ber1886 the Common Council of the City of
Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant
to law; the following officers are present
viz: Mayor W H Shoudyand councilmen C W Coulter,
J Furth, J M Frink, J Green, T D Hinckley, R Russell
and C F Reitze: The following proceedings are
had, to wit:
Minutes of the last meeting are read and approved
Petitions etc
Petition of Geo Kinnear to vacate Allee and Bluff Sts
between Banner and Temperance Streets and to
extend High Street through Block 7 of G Kinnears
Addition to the City of Seattle
Granted by full vote.
Petition of W U Telegraph Co for reduction of
assessed valuation of its property within the
limits of the City of Seattle. Laid on the table.
Petition of E F Lange for abatement of a nuisance
in Jefferson Street Referred tp Street Committee.

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