114 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 19 1886 Be it remembered that on this the 19th day of Nov 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law; the following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor Shoudy and councilmen Frink, Green, Hinckley and Reitze: There not being a quorum present it is ordered that the Council adjourn until Friday November 26th at 7 o'clock PM W H Shoudy mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk Nov 26 1886 Be it remembered that on this the 26th day of November1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law; the following officers are present viz: Mayor W H Shoudyand councilmen C W Coulter, J Furth, J M Frink, J Green, T D Hinckley, R Russell and C F Reitze: The following proceedings are had, to wit: Minutes of the last meeting are read and approved Petitions etc Petition of Geo Kinnear to vacate Allee and Bluff Sts between Banner and Temperance Streets and to extend High Street through Block 7 of G Kinnears Addition to the City of Seattle Granted by full vote. Petition of W U Telegraph Co for reduction of assessed valuation of its property within the limits of the City of Seattle. Laid on the table. Petition of E F Lange for abatement of a nuisance in Jefferson Street Referred tp Street Committee.
115 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 26 1886 Petition of J W Jones for permission to peddle articles of his own manufacture without a license Referred to Committee on License and Revenue. Committee Reports Received From Street Committee reporting favorably on petition of Charles Hopkins et al for a sidewalk on West Side of Front Street from the Cracker Factory to the north side of Union Street recommending that the same be granted. Adopted From the same Committee recommending that the petition of the Board of Trustees of School District No 1 for a sidewalk on Seventh Street from Madison St to Union Street be granted. And reporting unfavorably on that part of the petition asking for a side walk on Depot Street. On motion the report is adopted and the City Atty requested to draw the necessary ordinance. From Same Committee reporting that the petition of Adam Orth for a box drain on Fourth Street next to the Turn Verein building had been complied with. Adopted. From Same Committee on petition of Harrington and Smith et al recommending that the North half of Washington Street be repaired as asked for and that an incline be built at the alley to connect with said street also that the said repaired St be planked to Commercial Street; but that the south half of the street be left as it is until such a time as it needs repairs and then it also should be repaired to suit the grade of the north half of the street. Adopted From committee on License and Revenue on ptition of L Diller et al for the repeal of Ordinance No 767.
116 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 26 186 reporting adversely upon the same & recommending that it be not granted, The report is adopted by the following vote ayes Coulter Furth Frink Green Hinckley and Russell noes Reitze From same Committee returning petition of O N Morse et al to make all liquor licenses uniform, without comment. Councilman Furth moves that the petition be rejected. Councilman Coulter moves as an amendment that the prayer of the petition be granted. the amendment is carried by the following vote: In favor of the same Coulter, Frink, Green, Hinckley & Russell against Furth and Reitze From Committee on Health & Police on petition of Henry Westphal et al for the abatement of a nuisance on Pike St between Front & West Sts recommending that the same be granted. Adopted and the Chief of Police directed to abate such nuisance. From Street Light committee recommending that Street Lights be places onMill Street from Fourth to Eighth Streets, also Calling the attention of th Council to the fact that the Street Lights heretofore ordered to be placed on Columbia from Eighth to Twelfth St]]s;- Madison St from Eighth to Eleventh Streets;- James St from Eighth to Tenth St, & Front St from Pine to Vine Streets are outside of the StreetLight limits and there will be no funds to pay for said lights and therefore recommending that the orderes establishing these lights be rescinded. Also recommending that the Council take action on the proposition of the Electric Light
117 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 26 1886 Company to furnish lamp posts at $19.50 each as per contract although no bids were advetised for On motion the report is adopted and the purchasing agent directed to purchase the necessary lamp posts at $19.50 each. From Same committee on petition of L Miller et al recommending that three lights be places on Jackson Street Bridge and on[e] light on Washington Street at the approach to the Ocean Dock. Adopted. From same Committee on petition of D W West et al for street lights on South Eighth St rejecting the petition Adopted. From Committee on Fire & Water recommending that the petition of O N Morse for permission to build a wooden bridge between the Arlington Hotel and the Pacific House be granted. Adopted. From Same Committee on report of Chief of the Fire Dept recommending that telephones be placed in each Engine House as suggested by the Chief. Adopted. Licenses Referred F L Benjamin, Charles Ross, Vitus Schmid, Jacob Bersch, A F Hill, John Heinrich Jr & M McDonald Licenses Ordered Issued Wm Cheader Retail Malt Liquor 3 Months B Kurz Retail Malt Liquor 3 Months Thomas Anderson Retail Malt Liquor 3 Months Conrad Brehm Retail Malt Liquor 3 Months Margaret O'Shea Retail Malt Liquor 3 Months Ernst Romey Retail Malt Liquor 3 Months Seattle Brewery Ernst Romey Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months Eldorada Saloon
118 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Nov 26 1886 Ole Nelson Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months Jack Connors Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months A Slorah Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months Gumbert & Clinch Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months R Lowe & Co Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months M J McDonough Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months A Wolters Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months Wilton & Jordison Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months E Champeaux Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months H M Peters Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months E C Huntley Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months W F Allen & Co Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months The vote upon issuing said licenses is a follows viz: In favor of same Coulter, Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Russell & Reitze, Against None. Bills allowed The following claims against the City having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as follows viz: Name Warrant/Fund Amount Remarks J P Ludlow 2004 City 31.80 Dist Court Clerks fee B B Allen 2005 City 7.50 Dist Court Clerks fee Post Intelligencer 2006 City 104.50 Dist Court Clerks fee A H Manning 2007 City 56.33 Dist Court Clerks fee McDonald & Kallock 959 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose O C Shorey & Co 960 Fire 2.50 Repairing #1 Hose Cart Jno E Good 961 Fire .75 Bell Clapper Hose Cart No 2 James Tanner 962 Fire 4.00 Painting Engine House #4 Lake Union Fire Co 963 Fire 24.00 Furniture for Engine House #4 Warren & Perkins 964 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose for Engine House #4 W R Forrest Pur Agt 965 Fire 5.75 Lamps for Engine House #4 Miscellaneous On motion of Councilman Furth the street Commissioner is instructed to Connect the South end of Grant Street Plank Road with the Beach Road