



Status: Indexed

Nov 26 1886
Ole Nelson Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months
Jack Connors Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months
A Slorah Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months
Gumbert & Clinch Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months
R Lowe & Co Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months
M J McDonough Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months
A Wolters Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months
Wilton & Jordison Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months
E Champeaux Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months
H M Peters Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months
E C Huntley Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months
W F Allen & Co Retail Intox Liquor 3 Months
The vote upon issuing said licenses is a
follows viz: In favor of same Coulter, Furth,
Frink, Green, Hinckley, Russell & Reitze, Against None.
Bills allowed
The following claims against the City having
been duly audited by the Council are ordered
paid by warrants drawn on the several funds
as follows viz:
Name Warrant/Fund Amount Remarks
J P Ludlow 2004 City 31.80 Dist Court Clerks fee
B B Allen 2005 City 7.50 Dist Court Clerks fee
Post Intelligencer 2006 City 104.50 Dist Court Clerks fee
A H Manning 2007 City 56.33 Dist Court Clerks fee
McDonald & Kallock 959 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose
O C Shorey & Co 960 Fire 2.50 Repairing #1 Hose Cart
Jno E Good 961 Fire .75 Bell Clapper Hose Cart No 2
James Tanner 962 Fire 4.00 Painting Engine House #4
Lake Union Fire Co 963 Fire 24.00 Furniture for Engine House #4
Warren & Perkins 964 Fire 6.00 Washing Hose for Engine House #4
W R Forrest Pur Agt 965 Fire 5.75 Lamps for Engine House #4
On motion of Councilman Furth the street Com-
missioner is instructed to Connect the South end of
Grant Street Plank Road with the Beach Road

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