



Status: Indexed

Dec 3 1886
W V Rinehart Fire 975 3.05 Case Coal Oil etc
L Neuman Fire 976 1.00 7 Brass Key tags
G Kellogg & Co Fire 977 22.50 Supplies etc
G Kellogg Fire 978 75.00 Salary Chief
Hans Nelson Fire 979 .50 Hauling for No 4
Seattle Gas Light Co Gas 163 32.87 Gas for Nos 1 & 2
Seattle Electric Light Co Gas 164 126.10 St Lighting & Repairs
Spring Hill Water Co Water 46 246.50 Water Month of Nov
Alfred W Burrell Grant Street Plank Road # 1431 $2954.56 for Grant Street Plank Road Contract
On motion of Council Reitze the Street
Commissiosner is ordered to grade the road at the
south end of Grant Street Plank Road for a
distance of about Eight hundred (800) feet and
plank the same 20 feet wide.
On motion of Councilman Frink the vote granting
the petition of O N Morse et al to make the
license fee for retail licenses uniform is reconsidered
by the following vote: in foavr of reconsideration
Furth, Frink, Green & Reitze, Noes Hinckley and Russell.
On motion of Councilman Furth the said petition is
rejected by the following vote In favor of rejecting the
same Furth, Frink & Reitze. Against Green [Hinckley]] &
Russell. There being a tie vote the Mayor decides it
by voting in the affirmative.
The City Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled
"An Ordinance prescribing the condition of a bond
to be filed by the Justices of the Peace of Seattle"
which is passed by the following vote: In favor of
the same Furth, Frink, Green Hinckley]] Reitze &
Russell against none.
An Ordiance is submitted by the City Attorney
entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the construction

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