126 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 21 1886 Be it remembered that on this 21st day of December 1886 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The following affairs are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor W H Shoudy and Councilmen C W Coulter, J Furth, Joseph Green, J.D. Hinckley, R Russell & C. F. Reitze The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved Petitions & Communications Petition of Western Union Telegraph Company for permission to stretch its wires along the Grant Street Plank Road. Referred to the Street Committee and returned by the Committee recommending that the petition be granted provided the work was done under the direction of the Street Commissioner. adopted. Petition of Thomas & Davis et al for modification of Ordinance No. 767. so as to permit payments to be made quarterly for liquor licenses. Referred to Committee on License & Revenue. Petition of Melody Choir for the opening of Filbert Street Referred to Street Committee Petition of Sisters of Providence Hospital for renemer -ation in the sum of $218.00 for care of wounded rioters. Referred to Finance Committee. Communication from the three Assemblies of the Knights of Labor in Seattle asking that Street Commissioner L. Cummings be discharged and that Charles Brown be re-employed on the Streets for the reason that it is alleged that Street Commissioner Cummings discharged the said Brown from the Street force for political reasons. Referred to Judiciary Committee.
127 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 21 1886 Petition of F E Sander et al for a sewer through the alley in BLock 10 Maynard's plat to connect with Washington Street sewer. Referred to Committee on Sewer & Drainage. Petition of F E Sander et al for a sewer on South Third Street from near Main Street to the water a distance of about 120 feet. Referred toCommittee on Sewer & Drainage. Petition of F E Sander to have Jackson Street planked from the West side of Commercial Street to the wharf. Referred to Street Committee. Petition of Henry Holge et al for Extension of Washington Street from its present Eastern terminus to 12th Street a distance of six blocks. Referred to Com on Sewers. Petition of J F Eshelman et al for a street crossing on Washington Street on west side of South Tenth Street Granted. Petition of D E Blaine et al to open Cedar Street Between West and Water Streets so as to make it a passable wagon road. Referred to Street committee. Petition of W H Hughes praying that the sidewalk in front of Bills Hotel be raised to conform to the standard grade. Referred to Street Cimmittee. Communication from Hans Christensen asking assistance to aid him inbringing his family from Colorado. Laid on the table.
128 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 21 1886 Communication from R H Thomson superintendent of Grant Street Plank Road reporting thatthe bridge had been fully completed in accordance with the contract & making certain suggestion. Read, Approved and ordered filed. Committee Reports Received From Steet Committee on petition of T T Minor et al recommendingthat the petition be granted and the Street Commissioner instructed to open a road from commencing on Jackson Street at the foot of the last hill (known as Pritchard's Hill) and connecting with the water works road. and continuing along the top of the ridge to the City Limits. Report Adopted. Applications for Licenses referred Gumbert & Clinch, A Slorah, Murphy & Price, H Hoggenmaker, Fred Scholpp, J H Foster, Charles Deitz, M J McDonough, Wm Grose, Melhorne & Probst, John Heinrich Jr, Fred Gasch, W F Allen & Co, M McDonald, George Meister E J Powers, Vitus Schmid, James W Smith A F Hill, Chas G Steinweg, Davidson & Grubb, Thomas Clancy, John Brennan, Julius Wright, Charles Ross, Wm Waugh, O N Morse, E C Huntley, Andrew Lunn, L Diller, H M Peters, Ernest Romey, John Collins, O P Dahlquist, M & K Gottstein, J P Tighe, Joe Franciso, Oscar Johnson, Frank P Heman E Champeaux, Martin Lange, Thomas & Davis, Ernst Romey, McMaster & Co, A F Able & Co. The A P Hoteling Co, Geo Delfil, John McCann William Mason, Ole Nelson, August Wolffe Morgan & Prosser, Shaw & Alger, Feigh & Miller, John Feigh, John T Lester, Margaret O'Shea, Jacob Bersch, Oliver Bernard, E C Slorah
129 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Dec 26 1886 Julius Wigert, F L Benjamin, George W Welsh Jack Connors, G K Beede & Wilton & Jordison. The following claims against the City having been duly allowed & Audited by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds as follows viz: Name NoWar't Fund Amount Remarks R H Thomson 2040 City 134.50 Supt work on Grant St P R J Schram 980 Fire 35.00 Connecting Engine House #4 with walk Chestnut & Lisle 981 Fire 25.00 Painting hose cart #2 N S Snyder 982 Fire 25.00 Salary Secy Bd of Delegates Sunset Telephone Co 983 Fire 10.90 Telephone Service Month Dec Alfred W Burrell 1432 GSRR 6375.84 Grant St Plank Road Contract Miscellaneous Communication of the Mayor to the Council making certain recommendation and suggestion read and on motion made the special order for the next regular meeting. The City Surveyor submits plans ans specification for the Seventh Street sidewalk and on motion the same are adopted and approved by the Council. On motion the Street Commissioner is instructed to remove a large stump form Seventh Street On motion of Councilman Furth Grant Street Plank Road is accepted and the Street Commissioner directed to open the same for travel. On motion of Councilman Furth the Mayor is authorized to appoint six special policemen. Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the City Atorney entitled "An Ordinance Authorizing the transfer of $394.00 from
130 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 21 1886 790 the city fund to the Grant Street Plank Road fund of the City of Seattle" which after due consideration by the Council is passed by the following vote: In favor of the same C W Coulter, J Furth, J Green T D Hinckley, R Russell & C F Reitze. Against none. 791 An Ordinance is submitted by the City Atty entitled "An ordinance providing for the construction of a sidewalk on the West Side of Front St in the City of Seattle" which is passed by the following vote: In favor of the same Coulter, Furth, Green, Hinckley, Russell & Reitze. Against none. 792 An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attyentitled "An [ordinance] to amend section 2 of Ordinance No 705 entitles 'An Ordinance to license, tax 7 regulate Auctioneers, Hawkers, and Peddlers' passed Jany 4 1886" which is passed by the following vote: Ayes Coulter, Furth, Green, Hinckley, Russell & Reitze. Noes none 793 An Ordinance is submitted by the City Atty entitled "An ordinance providing for the prevention of accidents by fire" which is passed by the following vote: Ayes Coulter, Furth, Green, Hinckley, Russell & Reitze. Noes none. 794 An Ordinance is submitted by the City Atty entitled "An ordinance authorizing the Mayor & Clerk to execute a contract with the Sunset Telephone-Telegraph Co for Telephones" which is passed by the following vote: Ayes Coulter, Furth, Green, Hinckley, Russell & Reitze Noes none. 795 An Ordinance is submitted by the Clerk entitled "A Special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" which is passed by the following vote: In favor of the same Coulter, Furth, Green, Hinckley, Russell & Reitze. Against none. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn W H Shoudy mayor Attest W R Forrest Celrk