



Status: Indexed

Dec 21 1886
Communication from R H Thomson superintendent of
Grant Street Plank Road reporting thatthe bridge had
been fully completed in accordance with the contract &
making certain suggestion. Read, Approved and ordered filed.
Committee Reports Received
From Steet Committee on petition of T T Minor
et al recommendingthat the petition be granted
and the Street Commissioner instructed to open a
road from commencing on Jackson Street at the
foot of the last hill (known as Pritchard's Hill)
and connecting with the water works road.
and continuing along the top of the ridge to the
City Limits. Report Adopted.
Applications for Licenses referred
Gumbert & Clinch, A Slorah, Murphy & Price,
H Hoggenmaker, Fred Scholpp, J H Foster,
Charles Deitz, M J McDonough, Wm Grose,
Melhorne & Probst, John Heinrich Jr, Fred Gasch,
W F Allen & Co, M McDonald, George Meister
E J Powers, Vitus Schmid, James W Smith
A F Hill, Chas G Steinweg, Davidson & Grubb,
Thomas Clancy, John Brennan, Julius Wright,
Charles Ross, Wm Waugh, O N Morse,
E C Huntley, Andrew Lunn, L Diller,
H M Peters, Ernest Romey, John Collins,
O P Dahlquist, M & K Gottstein, J P Tighe,
Joe Franciso, Oscar Johnson, Frank P Heman
E Champeaux, Martin Lange, Thomas & Davis,
Ernst Romey, McMaster & Co, A F Able & Co.
The A P Hoteling Co, Geo Delfil, John McCann
William Mason, Ole Nelson, August Wolffe
Morgan & Prosser, Shaw & Alger, Feigh & Miller,
John Feigh, John T Lester, Margaret O'Shea,
Jacob Bersch, Oliver Bernard, E C Slorah

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