147 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 4 1887 Be it remembered that on this 4th day of February A D 1887 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present to wit: his Honor the Mayor W H Shoudy and councilmen J Furth, J M Frink, Jos Green, J D Hinckley, R Russell & C F Reitze. The following proceedings are had towit: Petitions etc. Petition of W V Rinehart for permission to make certain repairs to wooden buildings corner Mill & South Third Streets. Granted Petition of D R Williamson et al to open Box Street from High Street (Mercer Plat) in front of "The House" and plank sixteen (16) feet wide so much of said Box Street through the so called "China Gardens" as may be necessary to make it passable for loaded teams and footmen. Granted and the Street Commissioner directed to openand improve said Box Street. Petition of W F Allen et al for a street light corner of 5th & Minor Streets and for a street crossing along the Northside of Marion Street across 5th Street. Granted. Communication from Chief of Police relating to obstructions in Seattle Harbor: Referred to to Committee on Harbor and Wharves. Official Reports Received From City Atty for month of January. Read and ordered filed. From Police Justice G A Hill for month of January. Referred to Finance committee From Police Justice Geo G Lyon for month of Dec & January. Referred to Finance committee From Chief of Police for month of January. Read and ordered filed. From City Treasurer for month of January. Referred to Finance Committe From Street Commissioner for month of January. Referred to Street Committee and approved and ordered filed.
148 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 4 1887 Committee Reports Received From Street Committee granting petition of W B Benjamin et al for two crossings on Madison Street Adopted. FromSame Committee granting petition of L B Andrews for a sidewalk 136 feet long on [?] side of Madison Street between 3rd & 4th Streets. Adopted. From Same Committee granting petition of H A Bigelow et al for a crossing on Pike Street west side of Fourth Street. Adopted. From Same Committee rejecting petition of B B Allen et al for planking north side of Main Street to South Second Street. Adopted. From Same Committee granting petition of Emil Anderson et al for a sidewalk on Seventh Street from Pike Street to Battery Street and recommending that the City surveyor be instructed to prepare and submit plans therefor. On motion of Councilman Furth the report is laid on the table without action for the present. From the Same Committee on petition of U R Neisz et al to openand improve South Seventh Street from Pike Street to Mill Street recommending that the same be not granted, but recommending that when said Street is improved it be improved from Pike Street to Mill Street. From Finance Committee rejecting petition of Sisters of Providence Hospital for renumeration in the sum of $218.50 for care of wounded rioters. Adopted.
149 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 4 1887 Applications for Liquor Licenses Referred: John Johnson Licenses Ordered Issued Thomas Anderson, Conrad Brehm and John Shepich, The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows viz: Ayes, Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Russell & Reitze, noes none. Bills Allowed The following claims against the City having been duly audited and allowed by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn onthe several funds as follows viz: Name Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2108 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk F H Peterson 2109 City 100.00 Salary City Atty L A Treen 2110 City 100.00 Salary City Treasurer L Cummings 2111 City 94.50 Salary Street Commr James Bogart 2112 City 60.00 Salary City Jailor James Bogart 2112 City 135.60 Board of Prisoners Wm Murphy 2113 City 100.00 Salary Chief of Police Jas Welch 2114 City 80.00 Salary Capt of Police J W Hunt 2115 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer W H Pinckney 2116 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Thomas Campbell 2117 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer J L McClellan 2118 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer T Butler 2119 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer F A Fay 2120 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Fred Voigt 2121, 22 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer J L McDaniel 2123 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer John Frazer 2124 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer A H Manning 2125 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer C M Bywater 2126 City 8.75 Salary Specl Police M A Murphy 2127 City 65.00 Salary Specl Police C O Young 2128 City 27.50 Salary Specl Police John Mills 2129 City 10.00 Salary Specl Police W H Pumphrey 2130 City 31.15 Stationary etc G A Hill 2131 City 80.20 Justice Fees F Anthony 2132 City 5.50 Binding P I Sunset Telephone Co 2133 City 5.90 Telephone Service Feby [total][?]
150 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 4 1887 Chas McDonald 2134 City 3.50 Making Door for Jail Young Bros 2135 City 3.50 Repairing Sink for Jail J P Ludlow 2145 City 2.45 J P Ludlow 2136 City 8.35 Clerks Fees B Rogers 2137 City 2.20 Witness Fees A M Pinckney 2138 City 2.20 Witness Fees L Neuman 2139 City 2.70 Cartridges for Police H Argens 2140 City 6.00 Locks for Jail M A Kelly 2141 City 12.00 Medicine for Prisoners A A Denny 2142 City 2.20 Witness Fees City -v-Gilson Rollin Denny 2143 City 2.20 Witness Fees City -v-Gilson Mrs Kellogg 2144 City 2.20 Witness Fees City -v-Gilson E C McClellahan 1496 Road 60.00 Labor of Streets Daniel Moore 1497 Road 60.00 Labor on Streets Phil Cochran 1498 Road 58.50 Labor on Streets Stephen Berry 1499 Road 36.00 Labor on Streets Thos Rock 1500 Road 50.60 Labor on Streets A Cunningham 1501 Road 52.85 Labor on Streets Oscar Young 1502 Road 50.60 Labor on Streets Z Scott 1503 Road 55.65 Labor on Streets John Mahoney 1504 Road 47.25 Labor on Streets A F Soderberg 1505 Road 52.85 Labor on Streets John Sheehan 1506 Road 55.10 Labor on Streets Wm Krause 1507 Road 49.50 Labor on Streets O J Daline 1508 Road 21.90 Labor on Streets Wm Delaney 1509 Road 50.05 Labor on Streets Wm Morris 1510 Road 46.65 Labor on Streets John Olsen 1511 Road 21.35 Labor on Streets L V Sprague 1512 Road 51.75 Labor on Streets Geo Stewart 1513 Road 44.40 Labor on Streets J G Fletcher 1514 Road 16.30 Labor on Streets Alfred Newman 1515 Road 7.85 Labor on Streets W M Jones 1516 Road 33.15 Labor on Streets Moses Keezer 1517 Road 7.00 Use of Jack Screws Henry [?] 1518 Road 12.33 Brick & Labor Marion St sewer Gordon Hardware Co 1519 Road 3.90 Tools for St Comm Chas McDonald 1520 Road 17.75 Repairing Tools [total] 963.28
151 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 4 1887 J A McBeath 1521 Road 12.00 Horseshoeing etc. L Neuman 1522 Road .50 Sharpening saw Stetson & Post Mill Co 1523 Road 327.06 Lumber for street W H Shoudy 1524 Road 13.50 Feed W A Perry 992 Fire 75.00 Salary Engn No 1 A M Gilman 993 Fire 75.00 Salary Engn No 2 Gordon Hardware Co 994 Fire 2.00 Tripoli & Brooms for No 1 Sunset Telephone Co 995 Fire 13.50 Telephone Service Fire Dept Lowman & Hanford 996 Fire 5.00 Printing for Fire Delegates Chas McDonald 997 Fire 1.25 Repairing Hose Cart No 1 R H Calligan 998 Fire 1.50 Hauling Fire Plugs Seattle Gas Light Co 168 Gas 34.26 Gas Month of January Seattle Electric Light Co169 Gas 233.20 Street Lamps Month of January Spring Hill Water Co 48 Water 248.00 Water for January Miscellaneous Pursuant to a call for bids for doing the City Printing bids were received from the "Post Intelligencer Publishing Co", and "The Press Publishing Company". On motion the bids were referred to the Finance Committee and the Committee reports that the bids of the Press Publishing Company is the lowest, and on motion the contract for doing the City printing from the date of the contract to the first day of September 1887 is awarded to the Press Publishing Company. Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Bellingham Bay Railway & Navigation Company accepting the provisions of Ordinance No 807. Granting the said Company right of way along the City Front was presented to the City Council & ordered filed. Preamble and resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Lake Shore & Eastern Railway Company accepting theprovisions of Ordinance No 806 granting said Company the right of way along the City Front was presented to the City counci and ordered filed.