Feb 4 1887
Committee Reports Received
From Street Committee granting petition of W B Benjamin
et al for two crossings on Madison Street Adopted.
FromSame Committee granting petition of L B Andrews for
a sidewalk 136 feet long on [?] side of Madison
Street between 3rd & 4th Streets. Adopted.
From Same Committee granting petition of H A Bigelow
et al for a crossing on Pike Street west side of
Fourth Street. Adopted.
From Same Committee rejecting petition of B B Allen et al
for planking north side of Main Street to South Second
Street. Adopted.
From Same Committee granting petition of Emil Anderson
et al for a sidewalk on Seventh Street from Pike
Street to Battery Street and recommending that the City
surveyor be instructed to prepare and submit plans there-
for. On motion of Councilman Furth the report is laid on
the table without action for the present.
From the Same Committee on petition of U R Neisz et al to openand
improve South Seventh Street from Pike Street to Mill Street recom-
mending that the same be not granted, but recommending
that when said Street is improved it be improved from
Pike Street to Mill Street.
From Finance Committee rejecting petition of Sisters of
Providence Hospital for renumeration in the sum of
$218.50 for care of wounded rioters. Adopted.
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