Apr 1 1887
alterations and repairs to the building occupied by
him as a store near NW corner of Front & Columbia
Streets. Granted.
Petition fo C G Johnson et al for the opening and
extension of Virginia Street from Front Street to Tenth St
Referred to Street Committee
Petitionof L L Jewett et al for a sidewalk on west
side of Main Street west of Commercial Street
Referred to Street Committee
Petition of Wm Mason for refunding liquor license for
unexpired term. Granted
Petition of Amos Brown for permisssion to move the
building known as Melhorn's Block on Front Street
t o the lot immediatly west of the Opera House on
Front Street. Rejected.
Petition of H M Peters for permission to erect a
boot black stand on Columbia Street near Front Street
Petition of R H Calligan et al to abolish Vehicle Li-
censes. referred to Judiciary Committee.
Petition of Thomas T Minor et al asking that the
alleys through Blocks 100 & 101 in Terry's Second Addition
be vacated. Referred to Street committee.
Petition of F H Osgood et al praying that the alleys
running though Block 3 & 4 and that part of Fountain
Street lying between said two (2) blocks and extending
from Elaine Street to Lake Union in D T Denndy's Second
Addition to North Seattle be vacated. Referred to Street Com.
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