


Status: Indexed

Apr 1 1887
Seattle Electric Lt Co 173 Gas 410.17 Street Lighting etc.
W A Perry 1022 Fire 75.00 Salary Engr No 1
A M Gilman 1023 Fire 75.00 Salary Engr No 2
G Kellogg 1024 Fire 46.00 Coal
Sunset Telephone Co 1025 Fire 13.50 Telephone SErvice
Washington Iron Works 1026 Fire 15.37 Repg No1 & Repg Ladder
Spring Hill Water Co 50 Fire 308.00 Water Month of Mch
Roseberg & Hill 1434,35,36,37 Front St Sidewalk 322.00 Front St sidewalk
Liquor License Referred
Geo L Howe
License Ordered Issued
Otto Fuhrman Retail Intox 6 mos from April 1, 1887
The vote upon issuing said license is as follows viz:
In favor of the same Coulter, Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley
Lake, Russell & Reitze against none.
Resignation of Police Officer W H Pinckney and
Police officer Thos H Campbell read and on motion
the same are accepted.
On motion the Council now proceeds to elect two
policemen to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignationof Officers Pinckney and Campbell.
Whereupon J D Duncan and W M Jones are
duly elected Police Officers of the City of Seatle.
The Street Commissioner presented a list of names of
persons who have failed or refused to make proper
connections with sewers and on motion of Councilman
Furth the Chief of Police is directed to notify such
persons to make proper connection at once and to
prosecute them for failure to do so.
On motion of Councilman Furth the alley west of
Commercial Street between Washington Street and
Jackson Street is ordered opened and the street

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