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181 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 19 1887 Be it remembered that on this 19th day of April 1887 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meet in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment.The following officers are present Mayor W H Shoudy. None of the members of the Council appearing it is ordered that the Council do now adjourn. W H Shoudy mayor attest W R Forrest clerk Apr 23 1887 To the members of the Common Council of the City of Seattle. Gentlemen:- You and each of you are hereby notified that a special meeting of the Common Council will be held at the Council Chamber on Saturday April 23rd at 2:30 o'clock PM for the transaction of the following business: To consider the matter of granting Frauenthal Bros permission to move certain buildings from Front Street Dated Seattle} Apr 21st 1887} W H Shoudy mayor Pursuant to the foregoing call Council met at the Hour & Place named therein . Present Mayor W H Shoudy and Councilmen J Furth, J M Frink, T W Lake, R Russell & C F Reitze. Petition of Frauenthal Bros for permission to move the Melhorn Block and the building occupied by Fred Gasch from their present location to Lots 10 & 11 in Block E of A A Dennys Addition to Seattle and on motion the same is granted.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


182 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 23 1887 by a unanimous vote. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn. W H Shoudy mayor attest W R Forrest clerk May 6 1887 Be it remembered that on this 19th day of May A D 1887 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meet in its Council Chamber pursuant to Law. The following officers are present Mayor W H Shoudy and Councilmen J Furth, J M Frink, Jos Green, T D Hinckley, R Russell, T W Lake, and C F Reitze. Whereupon the following porceedings are had to wit: The minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. Petition etc. Petition of James M Colman for permission to enlarge wooden building on North side of Columbia Street about 120 feet west of Front Street. Granted. Petition of Jos S Anderson et al for a box drain onFifth Street between James and JEfferson Streets referred to the Street Committee. Petition of A W Wineepaw for a sewer on Columbia Street from alley between Tenth & Eleventh Sts to alley between Ninth and Tenth Streets. Referred to CommitteeonSewers & Drainage. Petitionof J G Kenyon for permission to construct a wooden addititon 30x35 feet in size on the North side of the building known as the Kenyon Block on the west side of Front Street Referred to Street Committee Petition of H L Yesler for a sewer in alley in Block 4

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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