182 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 23 1887 by a unanimous vote, Ordered that the council do now adjourn, W.H.Shoudy Mayor attest WR Forrest clerk May 6 1887 Be it remembered that on this 6th day of May A D 1887 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present, to wit: Mayor W H Shoudy and councilmen J Furth, J M Frink, Jos Green, T D Hinckley, R Russell, T W Lake and C F Reitze. Whereupon the following proceedings are had to wit: The minutes of the last meeting were read & Approved. Petitions etc Petition of James M Colman for permisssion to enlarge wooden building on North side of Columbia Street about 120 feet west of Front Street. Granted. Petition of Jno S Anderson et al fpr a box drain on Fifth Street between James and Jefferson Streets. Referred to Committee on Sewers and Drainage. Petition of J G Kenyon for permission to construct a wooden addition 30x35 feet in size on the North side of the building known as the Kenyon BLock on the west side of Front Street Referred to Street Committee Petition of H L Yesler for a sewer in alley Block 4
183 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE May 6 1887 Maynard's Plat. Granted Petition of Deluge Hose Company for a suitable building in which to store fire apparatus. Referred to Communitie as Fire & Water. Petition of Geo L Howe et al praying that Otis Preston be granted permission toerect a cigar stand on Northwest corner of South Second and Washington Streets. Referred to Street Committee. Petition Victor Ratt et al. for permission to build a small addition to his barber shop in Colman's Block on west side of Front Street. Granted. Remonstrance of W H Davis et al against opening Natchez & Republican Streets. Referred to Street Committee, no steps to be taken towards opening said streets until the remonstrance is reported upon. Petition of citizens of Houghton & vicinity praying that the road to Laurel Shade be put in good repair. Referred to Street Commitee. Petition of W H Silber et al, for opening Alley through Block 18 Maynard's Plat . Referred to Street Commitee. Petition of A Levin & Co for permission to put an addition onrear of cigar store 9 x 19 feet in size on East Side of Commercial Street. Referred to Commitee on Fire & Water and granted if approved by the Chief of the Fire Department. Petition of Baily Gatzert et al for a new Hook & Ladder Truck. Referred to Fire & Water Com with request that they examine into the matter & report at the next meeting
184 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE May 6 1887 Petition of G W Crane for the refunding of certain tax money. Referred to Finance Committee Petition of Mrs. L.L. Harmon et al remonstrating against the opening of the Alley running North and South from Washington to Main St. west of Commercial Streets. Rejected. Petition of E A turner & Others for extension of the Gas Limits. Laid over for the present. Official Reports Rec'd From City Atty for month of April read & ordered filed. From Justice H F Jones for month of April referred to Finance Com From Justice Soderberg for month of April referred to Finance Com From Chief of Police for month of April read & ordered filed. From Harbor Master for month of April read & ordered filed. From City Jailor for month of April read & referred to Finance Com From City Treasurer for month of April read & referred to Finance Com From Street Commissioner From Health Officer for quarter ending April 30. Read and referred to Committee on Health & Police. Committee Reports Rec'd From Street Committee on petition of Baily Gatzert et al for the opening of Summitt Street as follows: "we have examined said street from Cooper Street to Bancroft Street]] and would therefore recommend that the petition be granted." Adopted From Same Committee rejecting the petition of Thos H Campbell et al for permissionto grade Seventh St from Union toBattery Street at petitioner expense because many of the property owners along said street have not signed the petition and the Committee believes that without the consent of all property owners the attempt to grade the same would result disasterously.
185 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE May 6 1887 to the City as well as the property owners. The Com mittee will recommend the grading of Seventh Street from Battery Street to Union Street and building sidewalk thereon providing the proper petition it filed. Adopted. From same Committee recommending that the petition of C G Johnson et al to open and extend Virginia Street be laid on the table for the present. Adopted. From Same Committee rejecting the petition of the Board of School Directors for a sidewalk on Seventh Street for the reason that Seventh Street is not graded now but will probably be graded this year. Adopted. Applications for Licenses referred L V Schnyder, Thomas R Hughes, Mrs Jane Osborn and Andrew Lunn. Licenses ordered issued. John Baltes for Retail Malt License for 6 months from Apl 1st. The vote upon granting said license is as follows: In favor of same J Furth, J M Frink, Jos Green, T W Lake, R Russell & C F Reitze. Seventh Street Grade On motion of Councilman Furth: It is ordered that Seventh Street be graded from the North side of Madison street to the South side of Battery Street and sidewalks constructed on each side of said street and the City Surveyor ordered to establish the grade of said street. The vote upon siad matter is as follows: In favor of same; J M Frink, J Furth, Joseph Green, T D Hinckley, T W Lake, R Russell & C F Reitze. Bills allowed The following claims against the city having been duly presented and audited by the Council are
186 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE May 6 1887 ordered paid by warrants drawn of the several funds as follows: Name Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2219 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk F H Peterson 2220 City 100.00 Salary City Atty L A Treen 2221 City 100.00 Salary City Treasurer L Cummings 2222 City 94.50 Salary Street Comnr James Bogart 2223 City 60.00 Salary Jailor & Janitor James Bogart 2223 City 170.00 Board of Prisoners Lake Union Furniture Co 2224 City 15.00 6&3/4 matteresses for Jail Lowman & Hanford 2225 City 16.50 Printing Sunset Telephone Co 2226 City 5.90 Telephone Services May Gordon Hardware Co 2227 City 3.75 Police Nippers Hardy & Hall 2228 City 3.50 Dog tags H F Jones 2229 City 142.05 Justice fees Wm Murphy 2230 City 100.00 Salary Chief Police James Welch 2231 City 80.00 Salary Captn Police J W Hunt 2232 City 65.00 Salary Policeman J L McClellan 2233 City 65.00 Salary Policeman F A Fay 2234 City 65.00 Salary Policeman A H Manning 2235 City 65.00 Salary Policeman J D Duncan 2236 City 65.00 Salary Policeman W M Jones 2237 City 65.00 Salary Policeman Chas Robinson 2238 City 65.00 Salary Policeman Fred Voigt 2239 City 65.00 Salary Policeman Bolton Rogers 2240 City 7.50 Special Police William Million 2241 City 12.50 Special Police Thomas King 2242 City 5.00 Special Police Fred Minick 2243 City 7.50 Special Police M A Murphy 2244 City 55.00 Special Police James Mills 2245 City 35.00 Special Police Henry Argens 2246 City 1.00 Cartridges & Repg Stars Press Pub Co 2247 City 6.20 City Printing Dr E L Smith 2248 City 75.00 Salary Health Officer John Langston 2249 City 6.00 Horse for Police T T Little 2250 City 4.00 Clerk Election [total]1848.58