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198 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jun 3 1887 Be it remembered that on this 3rd day of June 1887 the Common Council of the City of Seattle met in its council chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present, to wit: Mayor W H Shoudy and Councilman Coulter, Furth, Frink, Green, Hinkley, Reitze & Russell. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petitions & Communications Petition of Chas Coppin et al for a twelve (12) inch ironstone sewer in Columbia Street from 12th Street to the Bay. Referred to Com. on Sewers & Drainage. Petition of Wm Lider and Otto Ranke to open the half Street South of Block 12 in Edes & Knights Addition running East & West also to open alley running through same block. Referred to Street Com. Petition of H L Lester & others to grade Mill St. from a point between South Fourth and South Fifth Streets to Williamson Street. Referred to Street Committee. Petition of O J Carr and others to grade West St. from Virginia Street to Cedar Street and build a sidewalk on the Eastern side of said Street. Referred to Street Commitee. Petition of Seattle Cable Road and Water Company for a Street Railway franchise on following Sts. Commencing at the intersection of Front Street & Madison Street, thence along Madison Street to Lake Washington: also, beginning at the intersection of Second & Madison Streets thence along Second Street to James Street thence along James Street to Tenth Street. Thence along Tenth Street to Madison Street. Referred to Street Committee.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


199 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jun 3 1887 Petition of Ruth Cooper and others to open Virginia Street and build a sidewalk along said street from Front St. to Seventh St. Referred to Street Committee Petition of Andrew Lunn for permission to transfer liquor license from the Red White & Blue Saloon Corner South Third St. & Washington Street to Gold Bar Saloon on south side of Washington St. Granted Petition of W B Spencer and others to declar the creosoting works a nuisance and order the same removed. Referred to Comittee on Health & Police Petition of F. W. Wald and others to widen and extend Second Street. Referred to Street Committee to be reported on at an adjourned meeting. Petition of Wm Porter and others to open Roy and other streets. Referred to Street Committee. Petition of Andrew Lunn for permission to remove two small wooden buildings from South Third Street to South Fourth Street. Granted. Petition of W. H. Hughes for the return of certain taxes to Wm Cochran. Referred to Finance Committee. Comminication from Chief of the Fire Department in regard to the Fire Alarm System. Referred to Commitee on Fire and Water Communication from Seattle Electric Light Company offering to light city jail, city offices and the engine houses for the sum of $21 per month. Referred to Committee on Street Lights.

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


200 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jun 3 1887 Communication from Park Commissioner's calling the attention of the Council to the condition of the Park and asking that steps be taken to prevent depredation of animals therein. Referred to Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds with power to act. Monthly Reports recieved From City Atty for Month of May read & ordered filed From Chief of Police for Month of May read & ordered filed From Custodian of Powder House for Month of May read & ordered filed From Justice Jones for Month of May Referred to Finance Com From Justice Soderberg for Month of May Referred to Finance Com From Jailor for Month of May Referred to Finance Com From Street Commr Referred to Com on Streets and returned approved and ordered filed. Committee Reports Received From Street Committee on petition Citizens of Houghton in regard to the road to LAke Washington recommending that the petition be laid onthe table. The Committee state that they will repair this & other roads leading into the City as soon as practicable. Adopted. Fourth Street Grade From same Committee on petition of C C Otis et al to grade Fourth Street fromBell Street to Union Street and build sidewalks on bothsides of said street recommending that the same be granted. Adopted and the City surveyor directed to survey said street and establish the grade and that an assessment district be created in accordance therewith. From same Committee rejecting petition of J G Kenyon for permission to erect a wooden building adjoining the Kenyon Block on Front St adopted.

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


201 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jun 3 1887 From Special Committee appointed to look after the care of Old Angeline reporting that they have taken such steps as are necessary to secure her care and comfort during her illness. Adopted From City Surveyor on Draining Block 8 Maynard's Plat revommending that the saidlobck be drained into Washington Street sewer. Adopted. From Fire and Water Committee on petition of Deluge Hose Co No 7 for a building in which to store Fire Apparatus recommending that a lot be purchased in Union or Pike Street between Fifth & [Eighth Street]]s and a wooden building erected thereon to store hose cart etc. Also recommending that lots be bought in Belltown in the vacinity of Lake Union and in South Seattle to be held for the use of teh fire Department. Adopted and the Finance Committee empowered to purchase said lots if in their judgment they deem it best. From Same Committee on petition of ppM McAndrews]] et al to change the fire limits recommending that Ordinance No 549 be amended as to allow the council upon a proper showing to grant permission to erect wooden buildings of not more than two stories in height the rood to be covered with tin or some other non combustible material. But no such permit to be granted unless it is clearly shown that a good foundation for a brick or stone bulding cannot be had or can only be had at such an expense as will prohibit the erection of a fire proof buildig . Adopted and the City Atty directed to draw an Ordinance in conformity with

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


202 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jun 3 1887 the report. Licenses Referred Nathan Gottstein & Thomas Anderson Licenses Ordered Issued Ramirez & Mason Retail liquor from apl 28 for 6 months The vote uponissueing said licenses is as follows: In favor of the same Coulter, Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Lake, Russell & Reitze. Against none. Bills Alowed The following claims against the City having been duly audited by theCouncil are allowed and ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several fund as follows, viz: Name Warrant Fund Amount Remarks W R Forrest 2303 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk F H Peterson 2304 City 100.00 Salary City Atty L A Treen 2305 City 100.00 Salary City Treasurer Laurence Cummings 2306 City 94.00 Salary Street Commsr James Bogart 2307 City 110.20 Board of Prisoners James Bogart 2308 City 60.00 Salary City Jailor Wm Murphy 2309 City 100.00 Salary Chief Police James Welch 2310 City 80.00 Salary Capt Police J W Hunt 2311 City 65.00 Salary Policeman F A Fay 2312 City 65.00 Salary Policeman A H Manning 2313 City 65.00 Salary Policeman W M Jones 2314 City 65.00 Salary Policeman J D Duncan 2315 City 65.00 Salary Policeman Chas Robinson 2316 City 65.00 Salary Policeman J L McDaniel 2317 City 60.68 Salary Policeman J L McClellan 2318 City 65.00 Salary Policeman F A Minick 2319 City 65.00 Salary Spl Police L C Wynegar 2320 City 65.00 Salary Spl Police E Deal 2321 City 65.00 Salary Spl Police James Mills 2322 City 65.00 Salary Spl Police M A Murphy 2323 City 65.00 Salary Spl Police Young Bros 2324 City 8.75 Hose & Gas Lighter [total]1615.63

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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