Jun 13 1887
Street is read & Referred to Street Committee.
Petitionof Thomas Burke et al to grade Madison Street
from the line between Section 28 & 33 to the line be-
tween Section 22 & 27 and build a sidewalk on the
northerly side of said street, read & Referred to Street Com.
Petition of Nicholas George for permission to erect a
fish stand at the foot of Columbia Steet is read and
referred to Street Committee.
Remonstrance of Jame Morrison against opening alley
in Block 12 Edes & Knight's Addition referred to Street Com.
Petition of Robert Abrams for permission to build a
carriage shed to connect his stable on Lot 6 Block 8
Maynard's Plat with South 3rd Street is read and on motion
A communication is received from the Mayor and Chamber
of Commerce of Tacoma on behalf of the citizens of Ta-
coma inviting the Mayor & City Officials to unite with
them in celebrating the completion of the Northern Pacific
Railway and the Fourth of July at Tacoma is read and
on motion of Councilman Furth the clerk is directed to
acknowledge the receipt of the same with thanks and regrets
that other engagements will prevent the Council from accepting
the same.
Committee Reports Receided.
FromStreet Committee on petition of F W Wald and others
to widen Second Street from Mill to Depot Street to a width
of 90 feet and to extend Second Street to a union with
Grant Street making Second Street 90 feet wide throughout.
Recommending that the petition be granted. Report Adopted.
The Street Committee returns without report or action the
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